tjura/yii2-migration-helper Interactive migration generator for Yii2

Yii 2 - Migration generator

  1. Integration time and difficulty
  2. Requirements
  3. Description && How its works
  4. Usage
  5. Installation instructions
  6. Dev notes

PHP Versions Supported Framework

Integration time and difficulty

  • Around 5 minutes
  • Very easy


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Yii2 >= 2.0.8

Description && How its works

This is an interactive Yii migrate command expansion. It will help you to create basic migrations using question in command line. This extension basically creating commands according Yii documentation

Example output:

yii migrate/create create_post_table --fields="title:string,body:text,author_id:integer:notNull:foreignKey(user)"


php yii migrate
Available options
  1. Create table
  2. Drop table
  3. Add column
  4. Drop Column
  5. Add Junction Table
  6. Redo last
  7. Down last
  8. Create empty migration
  9. Up

Installation instructions

composer require tjura/yii2-migration-helper

Update your console.php config file

'controllerMap' => [
    'migrate' => [
        'class' => \tjura\migration\commands\MigrateController::class,

Dev notes

  • This project was created for help me understand how to create good quality opensource extension and also to improve everyday tasks when working on Yii2 projects.
What's next
  • Improve code quality and write unit tests
  • Release improved version for older php 7.x
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1 follower
1 410 downloads
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Database
Developed by: Tomasz Jura
Created on: Jul 21, 2022
Last updated: 2 years ago
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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