time Time helper

  1. Documentation
  2. Change Log

This is a time helper. It mainly formats raw mysql date/time values in different ways for output to view.

Based off of CakePHP's time helper


  • Yii 1.0 or above
* Returns a nicely formatted date string for given Datetime string.
* @param string $dateString Datetime string
* @param int $format Format of returned date
* @return string Formatted date string
public static function nice($dateString = null, $format = 'D, M jS Y, H:i')

* Returns a formatted descriptive date string for given datetime string.
* If the given date is today, the returned string could be "Today, 6:54 pm".
* If the given date was yesterday, the returned string could be "Yesterday, 6:54 pm".
* If $dateString's year is the current year, the returned string does not
* include mention of the year.
* @param string $dateString Datetime string or Unix timestamp
* @return string Described, relative date string
public static function niceShort($dateString = null)

* Returns either a relative date or a formatted date depending
* on the difference between the current time and given datetime.
* $datetime should be in a <i>strtotime</i>-parsable format, like MySQL's datetime datatype.
* Options:
*  'format' => a fall back format if the relative time is longer than the duration specified by end
*  'end' =>  The end of relative time telling
* Relative dates look something like this:
*	3 weeks, 4 days ago
*	15 seconds ago
* Formatted dates look like this:
*	on 02/18/2004
* The returned string includes 'ago' or 'on' and assumes you'll properly add a word
* like 'Posted ' before the function output.
* @param string $dateString Datetime string
* @param array $options Default format if timestamp is used in $dateString
* @return string Relative time string.
function timeAgoInWords($dateTime, $options = array())

* Returns true if given date is today.
* @param string $date Unix timestamp
* @return boolean True if date is today
public static function isToday($date)

* Returns true if given date was yesterday
* @param string $date Unix timestamp
* @return boolean True if date was yesterday
public static function wasYesterday($date)

* Returns true if given date is in this year
* @param string $date Unix timestamp
* @return boolean True if date is in this year
public static function isThisYear($date)

* Returns true if given date is in this week
* @param string $date Unix timestamp
* @return boolean True if date is in this week
public static function isThisWeek($date)

* Returns true if given date is in this month
* @param string $date Unix timestamp
* @return boolean True if date is in this month
public static function isThisMonth($date)

Change Log

January 14, 2009
  • Initial release.
18 0
2 685 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Date and Time
Developed by: jonah
Created on: Jan 15, 2009
Last updated: 16 years ago


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