talismanfr/yii2-yandex-geocode-advanced In addition to working with the service, the extension can cache or save queries to the database to optimize access to the API.

Yii2 extension for use yandex geocode.

  1. Installation
  2. Usage as a Yii2 component collection
  3. Usage with DI container
  4. Caching
  5. DataBase

In addition to working with the service, the extension can cache or save queries to the database to optimize access to the API.

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist talismanfr/yii2-yandex-geocode-advanced "*"

or add

"talismanfr/yii2-yandex-geocode-advanced": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Usage as a Yii2 component collection

Add to config: `php 'compoennts'=>[ 'geocodeCollection'=>[

        'apikey' => 'you_api_key'

] ` and use

//for find all

foreach($all as $geo){
    echo $geo->getAddressDetails()->getCountryName();

/for find only one

echo $one->getAddressDetails()->getCountryName();

Usage with DI container

Add dependency to your DI container configuration:

    'apikey' => 'you_apikey_this'

If you want to use only the geocoder adapter itself: `php $geocode=Yii:container->get('talismanfr\geocode\contracts\Geocode'); $json_string_response=$geocode->get('Moscow',['results'=>1]); ` This is a string variable with the text of the response from the Yandex Geocode service (JSON or XML).

If you want use Geocode Entity Collection (see talismanfr\geocode\entity\Geo):


//for find all

foreach($all as $geo){
    echo $geo->getAddressDetails()->getCountryName();

//for find only one record

echo $geo->getAddressDetails()->getCountryName();


You can use a special decorator 'talismanfr\geocode\decorators\GeocodeCache. All requests will go through the cache.

Setup example using DI

    'geocode'=>['class'=>'talismanfr\geocode\Geocode','apikey' => 'api_key'],
        ['class'=>'talismanfr\geocode\decorators\GeocodeCache','duration' => 10],
    'yii\caching\CacheInterface'=>function(){ return Yii::$app->cache;}


In work...

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Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Others
Developed by: Talismanfr
Created on: May 24, 2019
Last updated: (not set)
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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