social Insert twitter, googleplusone and facebook button

  1. Requirements
  2. Install
  3. Usage
  4. Usual parameters to be adjusted:
  5. Resources

Insert twitter, googleplusone and facebook button, accepting horizontal and vertical alignment.

Extension's code is XHTML valid.


Tested with Yii 1.1.7


  • Download the latest release package
  • Unpack it in /protected/extensions/ folder


Insert next code in your page, where do you want to place buttons.

<?php $this->widget('', array(
        'networks' => array(
			'data-via'=>'', //!/YourPageAccount if exists else leave empty
			'href'=>'',//asociate your page 
			'action'=>'recommend',//recommend, like

Usual parameters to be adjusted:

- style: button's alignment (string: horizontal or vertical).
- networks: social network which you must have (twitter, googleplusone, facebook);
- data-via:Your Twitter Page Account if exists or leave empty (url: //!/YourPageAccount)
- size: google button size (string:small, standard, **medium**, tall)
- annotation: google button mode to show annotation(string: **bubble**, inline, none)
- href: Your Facebook Page (url:
- action: action for facebook button (string: **recommend** or like)
- colorscheme: used color scheme for facebook button (string: **light** or dark)
- width: the width for facebook button container (pixels: **120px**)


10 0
2 330 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: matricks
Created on: Sep 23, 2011
Last updated: 13 years ago


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