This is a simple currency management module having: list of all currencies get/update, converter, geoip based currency code getter/setter, currency drop down widget
Requirements ¶
Yii 1.1 or above jquery.js user module
Installation ¶
Copy the webin folder to protected/modules/
into config/main.php -> 'import'=>array()
under config/main/
'modules'=>array( 'currencymanager', ),
import tbl_currency.sql to your database
You are ready to go
- List of all currencies around the world
- Update all or selected curriencies using google currency converter (requires admin login)
- Widget for currency dropdown select box (Choosen enabled).
- Currency converter with respect to USD
- Set default currency in yii session as your desired currency code or get currency code based on user's geographical location
Usage ¶
To display active and nonzero currency fields as DropDown , simply call "currencymanager.widgets.GetCurrencyDropdown" //it sets Yii::app()->session['currency'] to the desired currency thru ajax post // no furthur coding required //set reloadgrid as true (optional) if you have some gird to reload after changing the currency //or change the view file "_select" of this widget under widgets/views
//'reloadgrid'=>true //Default False
//,'filterzeros'=>false //Default true
To change $(USD) currency to XXX currency simply call
$to : (string) to the desired currency format eg: to change to european: "EUR" $price : (numerical) the desired price to be converted
To set the default currency to XXX simply call
it saves the currency code to yii session. to retrive this value simply call :
Note: $currencycode is optional. If it not set, it will find the user's ip and the geolocation and hence the currency code
Is the update to the database table manual?
isn't there a regular check performed automatically on the tbl_currency?
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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