rottriges/yii2-gantt-column Ganttchart-Column for yii2 grid for project-management


  1. Installation
  2. Usage


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Gantt-Column widget for Yii Framework 2.0 grid extends the data column. It could be used for project management or other planings. The widget incorporates with Bootstrap 3.x.



The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.


You must set the minimum-stability to dev in the composer.json file in your application root folder before installation of this extension.


You can directly run

$ php composer.phar require rottriges/yii2-gantt-column "1.0.*"

or you add the following to to the `require` section of your composer.json file.

"rottriges/yii2-gantt-column": "1.0.*"


Model with dataProvider:
namespace app\models;

use yii\data\ArrayDataProvider;

class GanttTest extends \yii\base\Model
  public function getDataProvider()
      $testArray = [
          'task' => 'Project planing',
          'type' => 'primary',
          'START_DATE' => '2020-10-19',
          'END_DATE' => '2020-11-07'
          'task' => 'Production',
          'type' => 'danger',
          'START_DATE' => '2020-11-15',
          'END_DATE' => '2021-03-29'
          'task' => 'Release',
          'type' => 'success',
          'START_DATE' => '2021-04-05',
          'END_DATE' => '2021-04-06'
     return new ArrayDataProvider([
          'allModels' => $testArray,
          'pagination' => [
              'pageSize' => 0,
use yii\grid\GridView;

echo GridView::widget([
  'dataProvider' => $model->dataProvider,
  'columns' => [
      'attribute' => 'gantChart'
      'class' => 'rottriges\ganttcolumn\GanttColumn',
      'ganttOptions' => [
        // start or endDateRange can either be a static date (Y-m-d)
        // or an offset in weeks to the current date (-2, 0, 5, ...)
        // 'dateRangeStart' => '2019-10-31',
        // 'dateRangeEnd' => '2020-10-01',
        'dateRangeStart' => -4,
        'dateRangeEnd' => 28,
        'startAttribute' => 'START_DATE',
        'endAttribute' => 'END_DATE',
        // progressBarType [string | closure] possible values
        // primary, info, warning or danger.
        'progressBarType' => function($model, $key, $index) {
          return $model['type'];
        // progressBarColor [string | closure]
        // css color property
        // if color is set progressbar type will be overwritten
        'progressBarType' => function($model, $key, $index) {
          return $model['type'];
0 0
1 follower
1 155 downloads
Yii Version: Unknown
License: BSD-3-Clause
Category: Date and Time
Developed by: rottriges
Created on: Nov 18, 2020
Last updated: 4 years ago
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Github Repository

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