quickdlgs Simplifies the usage of CJuiDialog and Fancybox

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. 1. The simple content-dialog
  5. 2. The ajax-dialog
  6. 3. The iframe-dialog
  7. 4. The EJuiDlgsColumn
  8. 5. Fancybox
  9. Resources
  10. Changelog

Render buttons/links/icons to display a CJuiDialog with a content / ajax-response / iframe with a single line of code.

Replace the standard CButtonColumn with the EJuiDlgsColumn of this extension to open the view and update action in a dialog like explained in the wiki articles (see Resources).

Easy using of the jQuery fancybox plugin. Works inside a ajax-enviroment.


Developed with Yii 1.1.10


Extract the zip file into protected/extensions.

Register the components in the import section of config/main.php

// autoloading model and component classes


Use the static methods from the EQuickDlgs class in a view to render buttons/links/icons to open a dialog. Take a look at the methods/parameters in the source of EQuickDlgs.php.

1. The simple content-dialog

For example this can be used to display a 'More info' or 'Help' button in a form.

     'content' => 'This is the help text', //$this->renderPartial('_help',array(),true),
     'dialogTitle' => 'Help',
     'dialogWidth' => 200,
     'dialogHeight' => 300,
     'openButtonText' => 'Help me',
      'closeButtonText' => 'Close', //comment to remove the close button from the dialog

Use EQuickDlgs::contentLink, EQuickDlgs::contentIcon and EQuickDlgs::contentPopup the same way.


All the content of the dialog will be loaded together with the page. Use an ajax-button, if you want to load the dialogcontent on the first button-click.

2. The ajax-dialog

A icon for the view action of the current or another controller. You have to specify the 'controllerRoute' and the 'actionParams'

            Yii::app()->baseUrl .'images/view.png',
                'controllerRoute' => 'view', //'member/view'
                'actionParams' => array('id'=>$model->id), //array('id'=>$model->member->id),
                'dialogTitle' => 'Detailview',
                'dialogWidth' => 800,
                'dialogHeight' => 600,
                'openButtonText' => 'View record',
                'closeButtonText' => 'Close',

If you 'reuse' a default controller view action inside a dialog, the full page (with header, menu ...) will be displayed. You have to 'renderPartial' instead of 'render'.

You simply have to replace the controller->render with EQuickDlgs::render. This will check if the request comes from a dialog. So it will work the standard way or within a dialog.

public function actionView($id)

You will have problems if you show list, create, update, admin action views inside an ajax-dialog, because the javascript (pagination ...) will not work as expected.

You can use an iframe-dialog instead of the ajax for that purpose.

Other ajax functions: EQuickDlgs::ajaxLink, EQuickDlgs::ajaxButton, EQuickDlgs::ajaxPopup

3. The iframe-dialog

A remote url as iframe-dialog:

                    'url' => 'http://www.yiiframework.com',
                    'dialogWidth' => 1024,
                    'dialogHeight' => 768,
                    'hideTitleBar' => true,
                    'closeButtonText' => 'Close', 

If you want to place a 'Create' button in a admin-view above the CGridView:

        'controllerRoute' => 'create',
        'dialogTitle' => 'Create item',
        'dialogWidth' => 800,
        'dialogHeight' => 600,
        'openButtonText' => 'Create new',
        'closeButtonText' => 'Close',
        'closeOnAction' => true, //important to invoke the close action in the actionCreate
        'refreshGridId' => 'group-grid', //the grid with this id will be refreshed after closing

In this case you have to make a few changes to the actionCreate method of the controller, because the dialog should be closed after saving the record.

The content should be rendered into a 'iframe' layout, because the application header, menu ... should not be visible, but the css/js-files should be present.

Edit and modify the default iframe-layout-file 'ext.quickdlgs.layouts.iframe' for your needs.

Like above, the EQuickDlgs::render method will do the rest.

public function actionCreate()

            //close the dialog and update the grid instead of redirect if called by the create-dialog

        //check if the iframe layout (or renderPartial) has to be used

Other iframe functions: EQuickDlgs::iframeLink, EQuickDlgs::iframeIcon

4. The EJuiDlgsColumn

This buttoncolumn can be used as replacement for the standard CButtonColumn. It overrides the 'view' and 'update' buttons, the 'delete' or other custom buttons will work like inside the CButtonColumn.



	   //configure like CButtonColumns:
	   //but some properties (buttons.view.url,buttons.view.id, buttons.view.ajax, buttons.update.click  ...) will be set by the component

	   'viewButtonImageUrl'=>Yii::Yii::app()->baseUrl .'images/dialogview.png',
			'view' => array(
				'label'=> 'ajax dialog view',

			'delete' => array(
								'label'=> 'someLabel',

  //---------- additional config for the dialogs starts here -------------

		//if you want to use a custom dialog config: default is  'ext.quickdlgs.juimodal'
		//'viewDialogConfig' => 'ext.quickdlgs.mycustomjuiattributes'

	   //don't override the CButtonColumn view button
	   //'viewDialogEnabled' = false,

		//the attributes for the EAjaxJuiDlg widget: use like the 'attributes' param from EQuickDlgs::ajaxButton above
			 //'controllerRoute' => 'view', //=default
			 //'actionParams' => array('id' => '$data->primaryKey'), //=default
			 'dialogTitle' => 'View detail',
                         'hideTitleBar' => true, 
			 //'dialogWidth' => 800, //use the value from the dialog config
			 //'dialogHeight' => 600,

		//the attributes for the EFrameJuiDlg widget. use like the 'attributes' param from EQuickDlgs::iframeButton
			   //'controllerRoute' => 'update', //=default
			   //'actionParams' => array('id' => '$data->primaryKey'), //=default
			   'dialogTitle' => 'View detail',
			   'dialogWidth' => 1024, //override the value from the dialog config
			   'dialogHeight' => 600,

See the code of the EJuiDlgsColumn for more options.

As a descandant of the CButtonColumn all other attributes/possibilities are the same.

The default attributes are generated from the file 'ext.quickdlgs.config.juimodal'. You can change this by setting the property 'viewDialogConfig'.


The button 'view' will open an ajax-dialog, the 'update' an iframe-dialog. So you have the change the code of the actionView and the actionCreate like above.

public function actionView($id)

public function actionUpdate($id)

            //close the dialog and update the grid instead of redirect if called by the update-dialog

        //check if the iframe layout (or renderPartial) has to be used

The EJuiDlgsColumn does all the coding explained in the wiki-articles.

Tip: You can add an additional buttoncolum to list the records of a related model.

Assume you have a 'function actionList($parentId)' in a MemberController with a view that uses CListView and the records are filtered by the 'parendId'.

Because of the js-code in the view (CListView with pagination...) you should use the iframe-dialog of the 'update' button (not the ajax of the view button).

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

            'class'=>'EJuiDlgsColumn', //all default for the view, update

            'updateButtonImageUrl'=>Yii::Yii::app()->baseUrl .'images/viewdetaildialog.png',
			   'controllerRoute' => 'members/list', 
			   'actionParams' => array('parentId'=>'$data->id'),
			   'dialogTitle' => 'View detail',
			   'dialogWidth' => 1024, //override the value from the dialog config
			   'dialogHeight' => 600,

5. Fancybox

Use the EFancybox widget and place the items inside beginWidget and endWidget.


            $widget->image($smallImageUrl,$largeImageUrl); //show a image-fancybox
            $widget->content('Some text','Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit',array('title'=>'This is the title')); //show content in a fancybox
            $widget->url('A fancy ajax content',$this->createUrl('fancycontent')); //ajax content
            $widget->url('Yii','http://www.yiiframework.com',array(),true); //iframe content


Set the fancybox options by setting 'imageOptions', 'contentOptions' and/or 'urlOptions'

                                    'imageOptions' => array(
                                                            'overlayColor' => '#000',
                                                            'overlayOpacity' => 0.9,
                                                            'transitionIn' => 'elastic',
                                                            'transitionOut' => 'elastic',
                                                            'speedIn' => 600,
                                                            'speedOut' => 200,


The Fancybox widget supports ajax, that means it can be used inside a ajax-environment. IMPORTANT: In this case you have to set the property directOutput=true or Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest.

Album example with a CListView:

Your 'album' view

$items = array();
$items[] = array('imgUrlSmall'=>...,'imgUrlLarge'=>..);
$items[] = array('imgUrlSmall'=>...,'imgUrlLarge'=>..);

   $dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($items, array(

            'directOutput'=>Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest, //important because of ajax pager

        $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
            'viewData' => array('fancyWidget'=>$fancyWidget),


Your _album view




  • v2.0:

    • Added fancybox widget: EFancybox.php (MIT License)
    • Included fancybox-1.3.4 (v2+ is only free for personal use)
  • v1.2:

    • Fallback for link-tag when javascript is disabled
    • contentwrapper visibility is false, set visible on open
    • New attribute 'hideTitleBar' //default = false (sometimes ui dialog looks better)
    • New EQuickDlgs::contentPopup,EQuickDlgs::iframePopup,EQuickDlgs::ajaxPopup with autoopen=true
  • v1.1: Changed EJuiDlgsColumn.php

    • some bugfixes (thanks to c@cba for his comment)
    • Changed the properties of EJuiDlgsColumn (not compatible with v1.0).
      Removed 'viewDialogHeight', .... Added 'viewDialog', 'updateDialog' instead to assign all dialog attributes like EQuickDlgs::ajaxButton / EQuickDlgs::iframeButton.
      It's more flexible and you can add 'dialogAttributes' with theme/themeurl... too.
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2 570 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Joblo
Created on: Jun 19, 2012
Last updated: 12 years ago


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