XPortlet is a base class for portlets. It assumes that a portlet consists of a title and some body content. You may extend it to implement versatile portlets for your application. You mainly need to override its renderContent
Resources ¶
Documentation ¶
Requirements ¶
- Yii 1.0 or above
Installation ¶
- Extract the release file under
Usage ¶
Because XPortlet is a base class, you first need to import it before defining your own portlet class. You then override the renderContent()
method to display the content of the portlet.
See the following code example:
class MyPortlet extends XPortlet
protected function renderContent()
// display portlet content here
zip file corrupt
I downloaded this extension along with several others and get invalid archive error. Anyone else have these issues.
Did you merge it into the core as CPortlet?
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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