olegsoft/first-or-create Trait for Yii2 ActiveRecord. Search for a model ActiveRecord or create a new one in case of failure

Trait For Yii2 ActiveRecord

  1. The idea is borrowed from Laravel framework.
  2. Installation
  3. Inserting into the ActiveRecord class
  4. Example of use

The idea is borrowed from Laravel framework.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist olegsoft/first-or-create "dev-master"

Inserting into the ActiveRecord class

use olegsoft\firstOrCreate\FirstOrCreate;

class ModelTable extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    use FirstOrCreate;

Example of use

use app\models\ModelTable;

    //public static function firstOrNew($attributes, $values = [])
    $model = ModelTable::firstOrNew(['id' => 50]);
    $model = ModelTable::firstOrNew(['id' => 50], ['sort' => 10]);
    //Returns a single of the ActiveRecord model instance that matches the values of the $attribute array values 
    //or returns a new instance of the ActiveRecord model 
    //with properties corresponding to the values of the $attributes array + values of the $values array
    //public static function firstOrCreate($attributes, $values = [])
    $model = ModelTable::firstOrCreate(['id' => 50]);
    $model = ModelTable::firstOrCreate(['id' => 50], ['sort' => 10]);
    //Returns a single of the ActiveRecord model instance that matches the values of the $attribute array values 
    //or returns a new instance of the ActiveRecord model 
    //with properties corresponding to the values of the $attributes array + values of the $values array and save it
    //public static function updateOrCreate($attributes, $values = [])
    $model = ModelTable::updateOrCreate(['id' => 50]);
    $model = ModelTable::updateOrCreate(['id' => 50], ['sort' => 10]);
    //Finds the model from the passed attributes,
    //if the model is found, then assign the values of the $values and save it
    //if the model is not found, then create it with the values $attributes + $value and save it

    //public static function firstOrFail($attributes)
    $model = ModelTable::firstOrFail(['id' => 50]);
    //Return the model with the passed attributes, if the model is not found, then the HTTP 404 exception will be thrown

    //public static function findOrFail($attributes)
    $models = ModelTable::findOrFail(['id' => 50]);
    //Returns array of models by the passed attributes, if no model is found, then the HTTP 404 exception will be thrown
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12 282 downloads
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Database
Developed by: Oleg Pustovalov
Created on: Jun 14, 2018
Last updated: 6 years ago
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