oci8pdo A Yii Extension to simulate the Oracle PDO driver using the PHP OCI8 functions.

  1. Latest news
  2. Resources
  3. Requirements
  4. Usage
  5. 3. Usage

The goal of this PDO class is to simulate 99% of the PDO functions that you use in a Yii application.

If you find any problems, I would love the feedback. If you have an issue or problem with this extension, before giving a Thumbs Down, please open an Issue on Github or post on the forum thread. Creating UnitTests is on my TODO list.

Latest news



  • PHP >= 5.2.17
  • Yii Framework >= v1.1.8


Step 1: Copy the oci8Pdo folder to /protected/extensions/.

Step 2: Edit your config file to configure another database component. Please read the comments.

// application components
        // MySQL database config
              'username' => '',
              'password' => '',
              'charset' => 'utf8',
              * Note: Normally you use the Easy Connect string, but your server has 
              * to be correctly set-up for that.
              * ** Easy Connect String **
              * If you get the following error: 
              * `ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified`,
              * go to /opt/oracle/instantclient/sqlnet.ora and change 
              * the following line:
              * Change this to:
//           'connectionString' => 'oci:dbname=//myOracleHost.com:1526/ccq',
              * ** Full Connection String **
              * Use this method incase your Easy Connect gives you errors and 
              * you can't edit the sqlnet.ora file.
              * You can set the charset in this string as well, add 
              * `;charset=AL32UTF8;` at the end for UTF-8.
              'connectionString' => 'oci:dbname=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myOracleHost.com)(PORT=1526))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=myService.intern)));charset=AL32UTF8;',
              'username' => '',
              'password' => '',
              * enableProfiling and enableParamLogging are working like normal; 
              * Default is false.
              'enableProfiling' => true,
              'enableParamLogging' => true,

Step 3: There is no step three. You're done!

3. Usage

To start, you need to understand that Oracle Databases have CASE-SENSITIVE columns. Most DataBase Administrators in the Oracle world use capital table names and capital column names. That means you have to do that as well in your application.

3.1 DOA and the Query Builder both work. As long as you use the right database component

A few examples:

//Getting the Oracle DB connection
    $oci = Yii::app()->dbOracle;    
    $sql = <<<SQL
  , t.TYPE
  t.TYPE = 0
  AND rownum<=2
    $command = $ivr->createCommand($sql);       
    $dataReader = $command->query();
    foreach($dataReader as $row) {
        echo $row['DESCRIPTION'],'$dataReader';
$oci = Yii::app()->dbOracle;   
$command = $oci->createCommand();
$rows = $command->insert('CCQ.MY_ANNOUNCEMENTS', array(
    'PKEY'=>new CDbExpression('(select max(PKEY)+1 from "CCQ"."MY_ANNOUNCEMENTS")'),
    'DATETIME'=>new CDbExpression('SYSDATE'),
$row = Yii::app()->dbOracle->createCommand()
        ->from('CCQ.MY_ANNOUNCEMENTS t')
        ->where('TICKET=:ticket', array(':ticket'=>123))
3.2 ActiveRecord works as well!

There are two important things to consider however:

  1. Column names are case-sensitive, that means that the Models' attributes are as well!
  2. The database schema for Oracle (COciSchema) can be quite heavy on performance. That means that if you want to use Oracle in combination of ActiveRecord, you HAVE to cache the schema, or else you will experience a lot of performance degradation. If you don't do this, it is better to just use DAO/Query Builder.
    Check the following two links:

You also have to add a getDbConnection() method to your Model, so the right database connection is used.

Some examples:

class IvrModel extends CActiveRecord
	 * Returns the Oracle database connection used by this active record.
	 * @return OciDbConnection the Oracle database connection used by 
	 * this active record.
      public function getDbConnection()
            if(self::$db!==null) {
                  return self::$db;
            } else {
                  self::$db = Yii::app()->dbOracle;
                  return self::$db;
      * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
      * @param string $className active record class name.
      * @return IvrModel the static model class
      public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
            return parent::model($className);
      * @return string the associated database table name
      public function tableName()
            return 'CCQ.MY_ANNOUNCEMENTS';
      * @return array validation rules for model attributes.
      public function rules()
            return array(
                  array('PKEY', 'default', 'value'=>new CDbExpression('(select max(PKEY)+1 from "CCQ"."MY_ANNOUNCEMENTS")'), 'setOnEmpty'=>false, 'on'=>'insert'),
                  array('MY_ANNOUNCEMENTS', 'default', 'value'=>new CDbExpression('SYSDATE'), 'setOnEmpty'=>false, 'on'=>'insert'),
                  array('MY_ANNOUNCEMENTS', 'default', 'value'=>new CDbExpression('SYSDATE'), 'setOnEmpty'=>false, 'on'=>'update'),
$oneModel = IvrModel::model()->find('TICKET=:ticket', array(':ticket'=>12345));
$allModels = IvrModel::model()->findAll();
$model = new IvrModel;
 //Note the attributes are fully capitalized
$model->PC_TO = 1111;
$model->PC_FROM = 1113;
$model->PRODUCTTYPE = 'Internet';
$model->TTS = '';
$model->ANNOUNCEMENT = '7501.wav';
$model->TYPE = 0;
$model->TICKET = 5555;
5 0
2 116 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: MIT
Category: Database
Tags: oci, oci8, oracle, pdo
Developed by: yJeroen
Created on: Aug 7, 2012
Last updated: 12 years ago


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