muploadify use uploadify in your application - a jQuery file upload plugin script

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  3. Notes
  4. Options
  5. Version
  6. Resources

widget that integrates uploadify in your application - a jQuery file upload plugin script


Yii 1.1 or above


Usage with model:


function init(){
    $session->sessionID = $_POST['SESSION_ID'];
function actionUpload(){
  $model=new myModel;
    if(!$model->save() || !$model->myAttribute->saveAs('someFile.jpg'))
      throw new CHttpException(500);
    echo 1;

using without model:

  //'buttonText'=>Yii::t('application','Upload a picture'),
  //fileDesc=>Yii::t('application','Image files'),
  //'uploadButtonText'=>'Upload new',
  //'onAllComplete'=>'js:function(){alert("Pictures uploaded!";);}',

function init(){
    $session->sessionID = $_POST['SESSION_ID'];
function actionUpload(){
      throw new CHttpException(500);
    echo 1;


  • use uploadify events prepending 'js:' to its value, like this :


  • you must echo 1 in the controller or it will bug the progress bar (this is a uploadify bug)


string $sessionKey='SESSION_ID'

The key that will contain the session id so you can retrieve later by $_POST['SESSION_ID']

boolean $uploadButton=null

wheter to generate a button to trigger the upload. If null, it will generate the button if uploadify 'auto' option is not set or is false

array $uploadButtonOptions=array()

html options of the upload button

string $uploadButtonTagname='a'

the name of the html tag to generate the upload button

string $uploadButtonText='Upload files'

the text to be used in the upload button

mixed $script

The path to the back-end script that will process the file uploads. The path can be either an array or a string. See CHml::normalizeUrl.

See also the uploadify documentation

Defaults to the active url.

mixed $checkScript

The path to the back-end script that checks for pre-existing files on the server. The path can be either an array or a string. See CHml::normalizeUrl.

See also the uploadify documentation

Defaults to null, disabling this option.

mixed $scriptData

An object containing name/value pairs with additional information that should be sent to the back-end script when processing a file upload.

The data is json encoded and can be later retrieved by json decoding $_POST['attribute'] or $_POST['model']['attribute']

any other uploadify option


  • Version 0.1 (20/08/2011): Initial release. It uses uploadify lastest stable version 2.1.4


12 2
3 026 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Gustavo
Created on: Aug 20, 2011
Last updated: 13 years ago


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