Requirements ¶
This extension requires Bootstrap and a Database.
Rationale ¶
Message ¶
Messages have certain types('' (is a warning), 'successs', 'error', 'info'), contain a message-text, some actions and a bunch of options. A message is shown using the widget (and can optionally be destroyed upon its display).
Trigger ¶
Messages are only shown if at least a trigger applies to the current user (Messages have one or several triggers). A trigger stores the session and/or the userID of the current User (or none of both). A trigger matches if:
- the user is logged in and the user-id matches the id saved in the trigger
- the session of the user matches the session saved in the trigger
- neither the session nor the user-id of the trigger are set - this trigger will match all users in the first place. (Later more on this)
In addition to that, each trigger stores a timestamp and once that timestamp has been reached, the trigger will apply. On the other hand, you can specify a timeout so that the trigger will only apply for a certain span of time after he has been activated.
If all those conditions of a trigger are met, the trigger applies and it's associated message will be shown.
Installation ¶
Copy the files into your extension-folder
Import the component:
'msg' => array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.message.ExtMessageComponent'
Import the tables using the install.sql
In the end, you must of course include the widget which displays the messages somwhere - preferrably in your layout.
echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('class' => 'messages'));
echo CHtml::closeTag('div');;
Usage ¶
//Most Simplest usage
Yii::app()->msg->postMessage('info', 'This is a sample info');
//To set Options, use the second parameter
Yii::app()->msg->postMessage('', 'This is a warning!', array('modal' => true));
//To modify the trigger, use the last one
Yii::app()->msg->postMessage('', 'This is only visible for 24h', array(),
array('timeout' => 24 * 3600));
//For detailed parameters, see the classes
//In the end, an advanced example:
$text = "This is quite an advanced example";
$actions = array(array(
'caption' => 'This is a primary button',
'url' => '#',
'type' => 'primary'
'caption' => 'This is a warning button',
'url' => '#',
'type' => 'warning',
'size' => 'small'
Yii::app()->msg->postMessage('', $text,
array('title' => 'Warning!',
'actions' => $actions,
'modal' => true,
'closAble' => true,
'customView' => 'demo'
The advanced example above leads to this:
The advanced example without modal:
Advanced Usage with a all-matching trigger ¶
Trigger matching every user are primarly useful if you confine the messages to users in another way - for example ACL. You can achieve this easily if you make the Triggers themselves Aco-Objects so they are bound to the regular restrictions you impose on them. Please do not try the following if you're not familiar with ACL- it's advanced.
//This shows only users of group X the message, if they haven't already seen it
//For this purpose, we'll use Business-Rules
//This script assumes that you have given only that group permission to view this
//trigger. That can be done easily using something like that:
$group = CGroup::model()->find('alias = :alias', array(':alias' => 'Allowed'));
$group->grant('view', $myTrigger);
//Now, the rule itself
class BusinessRules{
public static function isAllowed($aro, $aco, $action){
$restr = 'hasAlreadySeen';
//Checks whether he hasn't seen it yet
return true;
return false;
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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