language/yii2-protobuf a wrapper to decode/encode protobuf

Yii Protobuf Extension is a wrapper for php protobuf c-extension.It provides an easy way to decode/encoder protobuf data with Yii.In addition to,it provides a tool to generate php proto files from .proto.

You must install php c-ext before you can use this extension


To use PHP runtime library requires:

  • C extension:protobuf >= 3.5.0
  • PHP package:php >= 7.0.0
  • Yii2.0 or above

You can install this extension by composer, as follows: `bash composer require language/yii2-protobuf `


You need to add protobuf parser/formatter for request/response Component, as follows: `php return [

'components' => [
    'request' => [
        // !!! insert a secret key in the following (if it is empty) - this is required by cookie validation
        'cookieValidationKey' => 'inwyiHVV0KPon5UhGv6l0QYaWL4SC1ww',
        'parsers' => [
            'application/x-protobuf' => 'Language\Protobuf\ProtobufParser'
    'response' => [
            'protobuf' => [
                'hump'=>true, //By default, the field name is underlined to hump, for example, iphone_num is converted to IphoneNum.


As you can see, this extension use ```application/x-protobuf``` Content-Type to distinguish protobuf binary data.So, Client should set Content-Type as 
```application/x-protobuf``` when it send protobuf binary data to Server

### Generate Proto
You can run shell script to generate proto files after Editing msg.proto. it will generate ```PbApp``` and ```GPBMetadata```.You should always edit .proto instead of editing generated proto files
Register Proto

You need to register .proto.php files for encode protobuf data after generate proto files.You can create a base controller and register them, As follows:

class BaseController extends Controller
    use ProtobufTrait;  //Inject using the trait attribute asProtobuf method

    public function init()
        // 消息文件注册
        ProtobufManager::register(ROOT . '/proto/msg.proto.php');

ProtobufTrait provides `asProtobuf` method to convert php hash table to protobuf data


You should alway get request params with `$request->getBodyParams()`intead of `$_REQUEST`.ProtobufParser parser protobuf to array `php <?php /**

  • Created by PhpStorm.
  • User: liugaoyun
  • Date: 2018/12/1
  • Time: 下午9:10 */

namespace frontend\controllers;

use Language\Protobuf\ProtobufTrait; use yii\base\Controller;

class TestController extends Controller {

public function actionProtobuf(){
    $params = \Yii::$app->getRequest()->getBodyParams();

    //TODO:your logic

    //convert array to protobuf
    $data = [
    return $this->asProtobuf(['class'=>'PbApp\UserLoginACK', 'data'=>$data]);

} `

Sample `text

xxxxxxxxd � home 153xxxx6476 company 188xxxx7049 Beijing

Hangzhou `

Customized Request Struct

By default, protobuf parser can only parser map<string,string> protobuf data as message-defined `proto` `protobuf message Request {

map<string,string>  Headers  = 1;			// Header Params
map<string,string>  BodyParams  = 2;         // Body Params

} `

You can define your request proto, as follows `protobuf message Meta{

repeated    Params = 1;


message MyRequest {

 map<string,Meta>  Headers  = 1;			// Header Params
    map<string,Meta>  BodyParams  = 2;         // Body Params

} Then, you should tell ProtobufFormatter which class to serialize Array Data php return [

'components' => [
    'response' => [
            'protobuf' => [
                'hump'=>true, //By default, the field name is underlined to hump, for example, iphone_num is converted to IphoneNum.

] `

If you need more flexiable data-struct, you can parser the protobuf raw data, as follows: `php message UserMsgLoginREQ{

string  UserName = 1;
string  Password = 2;


message FlexiableRequest {

string ProtoClass  = 1;         // proto class to parser
bytes  ProtoData  = 2;         // bytes protobuf data

} `

FlexiableRequest is a internal proto define. So, don't change the message name.

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Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Networking
Developed by: Languege
Created on: Dec 7, 2018
Last updated: 6 years ago
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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