kovenant/yii2-seo-components Seo components for Yii 2


  1. Installation
  2. SeoModelBehavior Usage
  3. MetaTagsWidget.php Usage

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The preferred way to install this extension is via composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist kovenant/yii2-seo-components "*"

or add this code line to the require section of your composer.json file:

"kovenant/yii2-seo-components": "*"

SeoModelBehavior Usage

Add SeoModelBehavior to your model

{id}, {category_id} and {alias} will be replaced by the value of the attributes of the current model, that have such names

{category.alias} will be replaced by the value of the relation’s attribute

     * @return array
    public function behaviors()
        return [
                'class' => \kovenant\seo\SeoModelBehavior::class,
                'route' => ['catalog/item', 'categoryId' => '{category_id}', 'categoryAlias' => '{category.alias}', 'id' => '{id}', 'alias' => '{alias}']

Behavior provides three methods:

  • $model->getRouteUrl() will return route as array. Now you can use it for yii\widgets\Menu items 'url'
    [0] => catalog/item
    [categoryId] => 1
    [categoryAlias] => category-alias
    [id] => 5
    [alias] => item-alias
  • $model->getUrl() will return for example /catalog/1-category-alias/5-item-alias.html

  • $model->getAbsoluteUrl() returns https://example.com/catalog/1-category-alias/5-item-alias.html

Don't forget to check your config file for pretty url settings


    'components' => [
        'urlManager' => [
            'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
            'showScriptName' => false,
            'suffix' => '.html',
            'rules' => [
                'catalog/<categoryId:\d+>-<categoryAlias>/<id:\d+>-<alias>' => 'catalog/item',

MetaTagsWidget.php Usage

Add MetaTagsWidget to your view

/** yii\db\ActiveRecord $model */
\kovenant\seo\MetaTagsWidget::widget(['component' => $model]);

In addition to the widget settings you can configure common widget options via container definitions in your config file

Example of full options:

    'container' => [
        'definitions' => [
            'kovenant\seo\MetaTagsWidget' => [
                // set view attributes
                'viewH1Attribute' => 'h1', /* use <h1><?= $this->h1 ?></h1> in your view/layout */
                'viewTitleAttribute' => 'title', /* will produce <title> */

                // Set the model attributes
                'componentNameAttribute' => 'name', // default name attribute (e.g. for link name)
                'componentH1Attribute' => 'h1', // h1 for page
                'componentTitleAttribute' => 'title', // meta title
                'componentKeywordsAttribute' => 'keywords', // meta keywords
                'componentDescriptionAttribute' => 'description', // meta description

                // set pager params
                'pageText' => 'Страница', // page text [Page for default]
                'pageParam' => 'page', // get param for current page

                // In all templates placeholder {text} is an original value
                'templateH1' => '{text}',
                'templateTitle' => '{text}{pager} | {appName}', // {appName} will add name of application
                'templateKeywords' => '{text}',
                'templateDescription' => '{text}{pager}', // {pager} will be replaced with text about current page
                'templatePager' => ' - {pageText} {pageValue}', // template for such replacement

                // method from \kovenant\seo\SeoModelBehavior that will return absolute url for the page of this record
                'absoluteUrlMethod' => 'getAbsoluteUrl'
    'view' => [
        //you can use custom view for h1 support
        'class' => 'kovenant\seo\SeoView',

componentNameAttribute is required. Other component attributes are optional.

The text for default value of title and description is componentNameAttribute.

If viewH1Attribute and componentH1Attribute are set they will be used as a default value.

componentTitleAttribute, componentKeywordsAttribute and componentDescriptionAttribute will set corresponding meta tags.

i.e. default value = componentNameAttribute << componentH1Attribute << componentTitleAttribute

If you set absoluteUrlMethod from SeoModelBehavior and current page of widget != absolute url from model, canonical link tag will be added.

You can inherit from MetaTagsWidget and add your own getters to use in templates, like {appName} and {pager}

See more examples of usage in tests.

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1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Web Service
Developed by: kovenant
Created on: Aug 1, 2020
Last updated: 4 years ago
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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