imagegallery1 image gallery for administrators

Por: Christian Salazar

Image Gallery1

  1. Insert and configure the Widget.
  2. Handling the request.


Christian Salazar. @yiienespanol, dic. 2012.

![Screen Capture] ( "Screen Capture")

Repository at Bit Bucket !


Yii 1.1.11

What it does ?

This widget Presents an image list (css & jQuery based) containing a delete icon and a select radio button for each image passed in the 'image' argument.

The Delete button: Is a button located at the bottom-right of each image, when pressed an action is fired, is your responsability to delete the referenced image on server side.

The Select radio button: Is located at the left-bottom of each image, when clicked an action is fired and is your responsability to make it the default image for your model.


Insert and configure the Widget.

	'images'=>array("<img alt='120' src='bla'>",...more images....),
	'modelId'=>'article12',		// $model->primarykey (as an example)
	'selectedImageId'=>'120',	// the ID for your image...any unique ID
	'onSuccess'=>'function(data){  }',
	'onError'=>'function(e){ alert(e);  }',

Handling the request.

	 	the widget invokes this action whenever a user press the delete
		button or the select radio button.

		$action:	'delete' or 'select'.
		$modelid:	the same value passed to the widget in 'modelId'.
		$id:		the unique id image identificator.

		you must act in response to $action.
	public function actionMyAction($modelid, $id, $action){
		// something based on the $action argument
		if($action == 'select') { ..mark the image $id as default..  } 
		if($action == 'delete') { ... delete the image ref by $id... }
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Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: bluyell
Created on: Dec 16, 2012
Last updated: 12 years ago


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