htmltable A simple, collapsible, sortable, editable, exportable to CSV data grid.

  1. Description
  2. Features
  3. Parameters
  4. Requirements
  5. Installation
  6. How to load data
  7. Edit data in the table
  8. Export to CSV
  9. Example
  10. Themes

(New) Export table to CSV!

Demo is back click here

  • Rev 1.3.8 - Fixed an issue with form when using widget in a page that contains another form. Thanks to hairylunch for finding this bug.
  • Rev 1.3.7 - Improved IE compatibility fixing the trailing commas issue in javascript. Editing form now has a close form button on the form's header.
  • Rev 1.3.6 - Refactored some parts of the code to make it more flexible. Also modified default CSS to cover full width by default.
  • Rev 1.3.5 - Now includes an action class for the export functionality. Will use internal CSS if no cssFile is specified.
  • Rev 1.3.4 - Fixed download csv code. Updated the controller sample code.
  • Rev 1.3.3 - Added new button to export all rows to a comma separated values (CSV) file in the server. See sample controller included in download file. Now uses internal CSS by default.
  • Rev 1.3.2 - Added built-in theme (false by default) and a parameter, useInternalCss, to use the internal theme and ignore the cssFile path.
  • Rev 1.3.1 - Now a themeable version is available for use with jQuery's UI themes. The edit form now is draggable.
  • Rev 1.3 - Now the table is Editable. Updated static method calls to support PHP < 5.3.
  • Rev 1.2.1 - Added default sorting parameters
  • Rev 1.2 - Supports client sided sorting.
  • Rev 1.1 - Supports CActiveDataProvider as a parameter.
  • Rev 1.0 - Initial version.


This is a simple but very powerful and versatile table-based data grid, focused on simple client sided interaction. Originally, I developed this to avoid the overhead of Yii's GridView. Now the widget offers a range of powerful unique features, while preserving the simplicity.


The widgets main functions are to display data in a collapsible table that can be configured to use a jQuery UI theme and that allows modifications to its presented data and exporting in CSV.

The main features are:

  • Collapsible: Its title is clickable, to provide a collapsible body, for applications that need to draw several tables in the same page.
  • Sortable: The table includes client-sided sorting.
  • Editable: When editable is set to true, the table can be edited live! Then its possible to send the edited rows to the server through AJAX.
  • Themeable: This new version supports passing the css file location of a jQuery UI's theme and will apply the look and feel to the widget.
  • Export to CSV functionality. This requires the use of a new property: exportUrl and a controller/action handler. Includes an action class to take care of exporting to CSV for you with minimal configuration needed in your controller. Just add it to the actions() declaration in your controller and specify the css export path under webroot. You might modify it to fit your needs.
  • Uniquely Identified: Each instance of the widget is uniquely identified to allow multiple tables working independently in the same page.


  1. title - The title of the table
  2. sub-title - A subtitle, shown below the title
  3. collapsed - Determines if the table will be drawn collapsed or expanded. False by default.
  4. extra - Additional information about the table contents that will be shown in the title area. If not provided, it will show the count of rows in the table.
  5. arProvider - An instance of CActiveDataProvider from which to extract the data.
  6. enableSort - Turn on or off sorting, true by default.
  7. sortColumn - Used to specify which column to sort by default if sorting is enabled. Columns are specified by passing an zero-based integer. First column will be 0, second 1 and so on. Will sort first column by default.
  8. sortOrder - Used to specify the order of the default column sort. 'asc' will sort default sort column in ascending order, and 'desc' will sort the column in descending order. Ascending by default.
  9. editable - If true, sets the mode of the table to edit mode, allowing changes to the table live and sending modified rows to the server for appropriate action.
  10. ajaxUrl - A string describing the controller/action that will handle the updates to the table data. This is used only when editable is set to true.
  11. cssFile - A string representing the path to a css file compliant with jQuery's UI Themes. Example: 'cssFile'=>'/css/trontastic/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css'. You can create your own theme in here: jQuery UI ThemeRoller. If not specified the table will use its internal CSS definition.
  12. exportUrl - (Required for CSV exporting) A string describing the controller/action that will create the CSV file. If not provided the export button will not be shown.


I developed this extension using Yii 1.1.7 and PHP 5.3. Static calls to methods of a class have been fixed to support PHP < 5.3. Also might be too obvious but Javascript must be enabled.


To install extract the files under yourapplication/protected/extensions/.

The widget can be included in any view file by using

    'extra'=>'Additional Information',
    'footer'=>'Total rows: '.count($rowsArray).' By: José Rullán',
    'formTitle'=>'Form Title',
    'subtitle'=>'Rev 1.3.5',
    'title'=>'Table 2',

How to load data

This widget can be used with static data or by providing a CActiveDataProvider. You will probably want to "massage" the data coming from the provider, and then prepare the two arrays required. However if you want to tabulate the data directly from the provider then you can omit the rows and columns arrays. See below for examples.

Usage with static data

To use this extension first prepare the data to be shown as explained above. Minimally you should create the columns array and a rows array. The columns array will consist of an array that holds strings to be used as columns header. The rows array holds the data to be tabulated. Data in the rows must correspond to the columns.

Let's see the following example (not using the themeable version).

$columnsArray = array('id','name','lastname','tel','email');
$rowsArray = array(

	'title'=>'My Simple HTML Table',
	'subtitle'=>'Rev 1.3.3',
	'footer'=>'Total rows: '.count($rowsArray).' By: José Rullán'

    'extra'=>'Additional Information',
    'footer'=>'Total rows: '.count($rowsArray).' By: José Rullán',
    'formTitle'=>'Form Title',
    'subtitle'=>'Rev 1.3.5',
    'title'=>'Table 2',

This example will render two tables. The first table is initially collapsed, and by default it will be sorted using the first column in ascending order. The second will be expanded and it will use the second column as the default sorting column in descending order.

Usage with CActiveDataProvider

As an alternative you can pass a CActiveDataProvider to the table as a parameter, arProvider, and it will get the rows and columns automatically from the model based on the provider's criteria. This is simpler to use, see the code:

// <-- Create ActiveDataProvider -->
$woProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Workorder', array(


In this example the htmltable receives a CActiveDataProvider. If the title is not set, it will use the data provider's model classname as title.

Edit data in the table

The feature to edit the data in the table requires you to set the editable parameter to true and specify a controller/action url parameter for the AJAX request.

The table will verify all modified rows and will send them to an action for server-side processing, using the ajaxUrl property.

When editable is set to true, the table will display an edit icon edit mode in the upper right corner that will enable the edit mode. Once clicked, the table will be in edit mode and upon clicking any row, a form will pop-up with the row's data.

To return to view mode click the view icon view icon.

When a change is made to the table, a send icon send icon will show up in the upper right corner. This icon indicates that a row has been modified (without validation) and upon clicking on it it will trigger the AJAX http POST request to the server.

Export to CSV

To set up the CSV export feature you need to declare the "export" action in your controller. The "export" action included in the widget's action folder will export the csv to a folder of your choosing. The folder to put the csv files must be specified in the declaration of the action. For example, if you want to add this action to SiteController you would add the following code to the actions() function:

public function actions()
	    return array(

Here I named my action 'exportTable'. You could change that to any name you would like the action to have. You then need to configure the widget's exportUrl property with this controller/action. In this case I would set the exportUrl property to 'site/exportTable'. What's important is that the class property must be set to the right CAction class path as shown above. Here I'm telling the widget that the generated files will be in /path/to/myapplication/csv/.



version 1.3.3

View Code

This is the code in the demo example.

$columnsArray = array('id','name','lastname','tel','email');
$rowsArray = array(

    'extra'=>'Additional Information',
    'footer'=>'Total rows: '.count($rowsArray).' By: José Rullán',
    'formTitle'=>'Form Title',
    'subtitle'=>'Rev 1.3.5',
    'title'=>'Table 2',
Controller Code

You might want to handle the data sent after editing the table in the controller. Basically you need to add an action to the controller and then do whatever you want with the data. This example just returns the data back to the widget to show it in a javascript pop-up.

class SiteController extends Controller
	public function actionHandleHtmlTable(){
			//return the POST variable back
			//the widget will show an alert() with this data
Data Format

This is the resulting array as received by the controller/action:

    [id] => yw1
    [title] => Table 2
    [subtitle] => Rev 1.3.3
    [extra] => Additional Information
    [columns] => Array
            [0] => id
            [1] => name
            [2] => lastname
            [3] => tel
            [4] => email

    [row-0] => Array
            [id] => 1
            [name] => Jose
            [lastname] => Rullan
            [tel] => 123-123-1234
            [email] =>

    [row-1] => Array
            [id] => 2
            [name] => Fred
            [lastname] => Frederick
            [tel] => 123-123-1234
            [email] =>

    [footer] => Total rows: 10 By: José Rullán
    [timezone] => 4

Each table element is sent using an associative array key. For example the widget's id is sent using the [id] key.

How the editable and export functionalities work

To implement these two functionalities the widget relies on jQuery selectors. When editing the widget will use the controller/action specified in ajaxUrl. The jQuery selectors will include only the modified rows in the data to be sent. Then the widget will use a jQuery ajax request to send the data to the controller/action.

Similarly, when exporting the widget will use the exportUrl to specify the controller/action that will handle the data sent. The difference is that when exporting the jQuery selectors will include all the data in the table, not just the modified values. Because they are very similar that code might be refactored in future iterations of the widget.

Thanks to mesmer for his feedback.


To use themes you just need to specify the location of your css file in the cssFile property. If left blank or not used, the widget will use its default theme.

For Example:

	'title'=>'Simple, Sortable, and Editable Table',
	'subtitle'=>'Rev 1.3.3',
	'footer'=>'Total rows: '.count($rowsArray).' By: José Rullán',

Possible future updates:

  1. Simple client sided pagination
21 2
8 226 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Jose Rullan
Created on: Aug 5, 2011
Last updated: 12 years ago


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