help-system Provides a custom help tool that can be very easily integrated with your web applications.

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation/Configuration
  3. What's New
  4. Resources

Help System is an open source Yii framework extension which provides a custom help tool that can be very easily integrated with your web applications. You can place the widget any where in the view with just a few lines of code. The help text can be categorized into "Sections" and "Topics". You can add N-number of "Topics" under each "Section" and each "Topic" in turn can have N-number of child topics.


  • Tested with Yii 1.1.14, should work in earlier versions
  • Bootstrap 2 or 3


  • Extract Help System to protected/extensions folder
  • Run the following MySql scripts extensions/helpSystem/database/1_DDL/1_helpSystem_base_script.sql extensions/helpSystem/database/4_DML/1_hlp_Language_Insert_script.sql
  • Add main.php ~~~ 'helpSystem'=>array( class'=>'ext.helpSystem.HelpSystemModule', 'modules'=>array(

    	'allowedImageSize'=>2, // add the maximum upload size in MB. Enter int value.
    	'imageUploadPath'=>'images/EditorImages',// the path to which image uploaded.
    	'allowedImageTypes'=>array('gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png') // allowed images types
'bootstrapVersion'=>'2',// Pass the current bootstrap version 2 or 3
'userRole'=>array()//Add roles if any. eg array('admin','editor')
'pageLayout'=>'//layouts/main'// give the layout if any

Add following widget code in you view 

<?php $this->widget(

       'linkClass'=>'btn btn',
        'sectionId'=>your Section Id, 
        'topicId'=> <topic id>, //your topic id  if you want to see specific topic than topic index
        'header'=>'Help System',


[Detailed configuration](



Help System client provides a dynamic widget that can be placed anywhere on your web page. The widget provides a link which when clicked will open up a popup window which displays the "Sections" and "Topics".


In the Admin section there is a content management system which you can use to add help content.
Admin url

http://<domain name>/index.php?r=helpSystem/admin/topic ~~~ Note – If URL rewrite is on this will be different.

checkout demo for more details.

What's New

Version 1.1 (07 Feb 2014)

  • Added new custom editor using Ck Editor features with image upload
  • Individual topic display.
  • Removed Cleditor.


1 0
Yii Version: Unknown
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Others
Developed by: Digital Mesh
Created on: Jan 27, 2014
Last updated: 11 years ago


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