This extension allows you to create charts using the known fusion charts {@link} API. It incorporates all the available methods exists in the fusion charts PHP Class library. With this extension you will be able to create charts in various types Such as Column2D, Column3D, Bar2D, Bar3D, Lines, Areas, Pies etc. Fusion Charts online documentation can be found here:
The file is too big to upload it here you will need to visit the following URL to download it: ¶
Resources ¶
Documentation ¶
Requirements: ¶
Yii 1.1.x or above
Installation: ¶
Extract the zip/tar archive and move the contents to your applications extensions directory. So the fusionCharts.php file will be located under application/extensions/fusioncharts. Then you need to initiate the component in the application configuration file by adding the following code to the components array
'fusioncharts' => array(
'class' => 'ext.fusioncharts.fusionCharts',
That will only make the fusion charts extension available to access as a component. Now we need to create a chart and display it.
Creating A Chart: ¶
First in your controller create an action, For this example we will call it 'actionChart'. Inside that chart we start by calling the method {@link fusionCharts::setChartOptions()} and we pass an array as the first argument of key=>value pairs that will work as element Attributes, In our example we set the caption, xAxisName and yAxisName.
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->setChartOptions( array( 'caption'=>'My Chart', 'xAxisName'=>'Months', 'yAxisName'=>'Revenue' ) );
Now we would like to add sets, which are used for simple charts as the actual chart data. In order to add a set all we need to do is call the method {@link fusionCharts::addSet()} and pass an array as the first and only argument to that method with the element Attributes. In our example we set the label and the set actual value:
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSet(array('label'=>'July', 'value'=>'680000'));
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSet(array('label'=>'August', 'value'=>'680000'));
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSet(array('label'=>'Jan', 'value'=>'680000'));
Note: For convince there is a helper function called {@link fusionCharts::addSets()} that you can pass an array of arrays that each array will be treated as a set and will be added, So the above can be rewritten as follows:
$sets = array(
array('label'=>'July', 'value'=>'680000'),
array('label'=>'August', 'value'=>'680000'),
array('label'=>'Jan', 'value'=>'680000'),
In those charts you can add categories, In this extension that can be done by calling {@link fusioncharts::addCategory()}, In this Method you can also pass an array as the first and only argument that will be treated as the element attributes.
If you need to add multiple values at once without calling the addCategory method every time you can pass an array of arrays to the {@link fusioncharts::addCategories()} method similar to the addSets method, So the above code can be rewritten like the following:
$categories = array(
Besides sets and categories you can create datasets by using the {@link fusioncharts::addDataSet()} and {@link fusioncharts::addSetToDataSet()} Those two methods accept two arguments, the first is the dataset unique key and the second is an array of key=>value pairs that will act as the / element attributes. So in order to create two datasets and add sets to those datasets we can use the following code:
// Add two data sets
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addDataSet('data_unique_key', $options);
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addDataSet('data_unique_key2', $options);
// Add three sets to the 'data_unique_key' data set
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSetToDataSet('data_unique_key', $options);
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSetToDataSet('data_unique_key', $options);
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSetToDataSet('data_unique_key', $options);
// Add two sets to the 'data_unique_key2' data set
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSetToDataSet('data_unique_key2', $options);
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addSetToDataSet('data_unique_key2', $options);
You can also add trendlines, styles and applications to apply those to the right elements by using one/all of the following methods:
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addTrendLine(array('startValue'=>'700000', 'color'=>'009933', 'displayvalue'=>'Target'));
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addDefinition(array('name'=>'CanvasAnim', 'type'=>'animation', 'param'=>'_xScale', 'start'=>'0', 'duration'=>'1'));
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->addApplication(array('toObject'=>'Canvas', 'styles'=>'CanvasAnim'));
Sometimes you may want to add a vLine (a line separating columns) you can add vLines to both sets and categories by calling {@link fusioncharts::addVLine()} and {@link fusioncharts::addCategoryVLine()} Both accept an array of options for the element attributes. If you need to add a vLine to a data set then just use {@link fusioncharts::addDataSetVLine($key, $options)}
If for some reason the labels on the chart do not display properly just set the property useI18N to true:
Yii::app()->fusioncharts->useI18N = true;
Either in the application configuration or manually at any place in the application.
To display the xml generated call {@link fusioncharts::getXMLData()} and the xml will be printed as string. If you want it to be printed as an actual XML document with the correct content type headers pass in a boolean value true to that method.
In the fusion chart you can specify special messages that are passed with the .swf file in the url, To specify those just either apply the messages to the Yii::app()->fusioncharts->chartMessage property or call {@link fusioncharts::setChartMessage($msg)}.
If you need to have a list of available charts then call either {@link fusioncharts::getChartTypes()} or {@link fusioncharts::getKeyValueChartTypes()}.
By default the charts are cached by the URL, if you want to disable caching then simple set the property Yii::app()->fusioncharts->chartNoCache to a boolean value of true.
To get a list of commonly used colors in the chart call {@link fusioncharts::getColors()}
If for some reason you want to add custom XML string to the generated XML Document you can simply call {@link fusioncharts::addCustomXmlData()}
You can turn the chart in debug mode by setting the property Yii::app()->fusioncharts->debugMode to 1. This will display a block on top of the generated Chart with some development info.
If you browsed through the Fusion charts PHP Class and you liked that one better you can use the methods in that class by simply calling those methods as if they were inside this extension. So if that class has a method called 'test' You can call Yii::app()->fusioncharts->test(); and that method will be invoked. Or you can also use the builder which implements that class Yii::app()->fusioncharts->builder->test() (both calls are the same), Same thing applies to class members You would like to set or get, Yii::app()->fusioncharts->key = 'value'; or echo Yii::app()->fusioncharts->key;
If at some point you need to reset the xml data just call {@link fusioncharts::resetXml()}.
Note: All the addmethods return an object of the fusion charts, So you can chain methods. Ie:
Displaying A Chart: ¶
After creating the chart in the 'actionChart' action. We now want to display it. We can use the {@link fusionChartWidget} to display the generated chart.
$this->widget('ext.fusioncharts.fusionChartsWidget', array(
'chartNoCache'=>true, // disabling chart cache
'chartAction'=>Yii::app()->urlManager->createUrl('game/chart'), // the chart action that we just generated the xml data at
'chartId'=>'mychart')); // If you display more then one chart on a single page then make sure you specify and id
The above code will display a 'Column2D' chart by default, if you want to display another chart simply set the property 'chartType' in the widget or globally in the application component and render the widget again (use the helper function {@link fusioncharts::getKeyValueChartTypes()} for a list of available charts).
You can also specify the width and height of the chart by specifying the properties 'chartWidth' and 'chartHeight' in the widget or globally in the application component.
By default the widget will display the generated chart using JS supplied by fusionCharts. If you want to support users that do not have JS enabled then set the property 'htmlChart' to a boolean value true in the widget properties or globally in the application component and the chart will be rendered using tag.
Note: This extension is just a wrapper for the fustion charts service. You will need to browse trough their documentation and read through the available properties in order to create the chart you want to.
Change Log ¶
April 27, 2010 ¶
- 1.4 - added transparent support when using the charts as js.
- 1.4 - fixed a small bug.
April 26, 2010 ¶
- 1.3 - Fixed minor bug.
April 25, 2010 ¶
- 1.2 - Added categories xml attributes support.
April 24, 2010 ¶
- 1.1 - Fixed minor bug.
April 23, 2010 ¶
- Initial release.
make it work with latest version of fusion
had replace the tag with in getXMLData method to make it work with the latest version of fusion charts
Thank you
Hi, thank you I think it will help me a lot, but it would be great if you add some reference documentation such how or where to change the size or the chart type, etc. Anyway thank you again.
configure fusioncharts
quarkmarino, fusionCharts configuration is done in the xml file. I refer to the documentation page
See Create chart in this documentation, look here: Yii::app()->fusioncharts->setChartOptions( array( 'caption'=>'My Chart', 'xAxisName'=>'Months', 'yAxisName'=>'Revenue' ) );
Also in this extension, in the Views folder, the file charthtml.php. There you can see how to assign values for width, height, title, etc.
Nice extension
Note for users that want to display non English characters that they must set $useI18N to true(the key point here is to append three binary characters 0xef 0xbb 0xbf before xml start tag)
FusionChart for html5 / IPad?
Nice extension.
There is a version that support html5 for iPad?
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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