foundation4giix Templates for using Foundation 4 with Yii and optional Giix templates if you're a Giix fan.

  1. Foundation
  2. Requirements
  3. Usage
  4. Resources

Being a fan of Yii, Giix and Foundation, I decided to combine them all for my latest project and share the result.

No extensions, components, or modules. Just a set of templates and some css and js from Zurb.


Foundation from Zurb is a responsive (same site scales from mobile to widescreen) front-end framework using html5 css and javascript (jQuery or Zepto). Read up on the latest UI goodies that come with it on their website. Good for quick prototyping and then as a responsive base to build from.

WARNING version 4 of Foundation does not support IE8 or lower. F3 does support IE8 but not IE7 - checkout the foundation3 Yii extension. And Foundation 2 supports IE7 - se the foundation Yii extension.


Yii 1.1 - untested on earlier versions, may work.

Foundation 4 from Zurb. Built and tested with version 4.2.1, I recommend grabbing the latest version for the latest bug fixes and UI enhancements.

Optionally: Giix. Templates for use with Giix are included but you don't have to use them if you don't use Giix.


The contents of the css and js folders from the Foundation download go into the css and js folders of your application root folder.

./css/foundation.min.css, foundation.css, normalize.css  
./js/foundation.min.js, foundation/, vendor/  

Extract this extension to your application root.


Then set the theme to foundation4


When generating your crud code with Giix, ensure you change the code template to foundation4.

NB To enable some of the Foundation UI features you'll need to uncomment the relevant js libraries in ./themes/foundation4/views/layouts/main.php


Or modules for the older versions of foundation for IE8/7 Support:

5 0
1 277 downloads
Yii Version: Unknown
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: StephenM
Created on: Jun 5, 2013
Last updated: 11 years ago


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