fbgallery Add a pictures gallery in a page.

  1. fbgallery description and facilities
  2. How to...?
  3. Troubles?

fbgallery include a nice photo gallery into your website.

Also, it can be used as a showroom or as a base for a little shop.

fbgallery description and facilities


The fbgallery is structured in albums and collections (of albums).


Is a page which includes thumbnails of gallery or when it is used in shop mode, will display pictures and information for a specific product.


In administration mode, a collection will display a cover for every album which exists, and will permit you to select which albums will be displayed to visitors in that collection.

The covers of albums may be sorted to be display in any order you like. Clicking on a cover of an album, will redirect the visitor to album's page.

Title and description

Every album and every collection may have a title and a description. Those can be used as page heading.


The fbgallery is multilingual. You can use how many languages you like.

Album's and collection's title, description and information about every picture, support translation.


Administration is separate for two levels: editors and admins. Editors are logged users and have limited rights, while administrators are a powerful category of logged users.

Available languages: English, Romanian.

Editor Panel

Editor panel is a draggable panel, which you can place it anywhere you like. It is contextual for album and collection and according with settings made by administrators.

Control Panel

Control Panel is accessible only for administrators. It is structured in 5 categories:

Gallery - structured in 6 subcategories:
    Image resize,

Default values can be loaded for:

every category,
all categories in block
individual for every setting.

Every setting from Control Panel has its own help as a tooltip.


The albums support the pagination. The number of pictures displayed in every page is selected in Control Panel. Pagination is not applicable when it is used shop mode.

If isn't used pagination, you can set how many pictures will be displayed in a row.


Multiple files uploader, based on plupload plug-in.

The uploader is multilingual.

Unique file name can be generated to avoid overwriting existing photos in the album.

Uploader can set maximum file size dimension to be uploaded and can be set the maximum number of pictures to be uploaded in every album. Uploader limitation: In safari for windows pictures will be loaded only file by file. Not working with IE previous to version 9. Not tested in apple safari.

Picture information

Picture's title permit to use a wide range of characters, including arabic characters.

Alternatively, picture's title can be displayed as an informational box under the picture.

Use title when you need to display a very short information or use informational box when you need to display a long information, as Description, Price, Link and so on.

Informational box may be as big as you wish, and have support for plain text or html.

Wysiwyg support - cleditor

For every field which accept html, a wysiwyg editor is available with a single click.

Predefined information

Now it is possible to set predefined information for title or informational box for uploaded pictures.

Available options to be used as predefined: filename, page metatitle or predefined content.

Image removal

Multiple images can be selected to be deleted in block.

You can clear the gallery with just a click (plus confirmation).

Resizable thumbnails

The size of thumbnail can be set from Control Panel.

Thumbnail aspect

Can be set as square, landscape or portrait, from Control Panel.


The nice tooltip replace the ugly bubble displayed when mouse is over thumbnail. Can be used or not, selecting from Control Panel.


Supports interchangeable css themes.


Option to use album page as page for item of shop, with a bigger image as cover and a set of mini-thumbnails under the cover. Near thess pictures, you have a place to describe product from your shop page.

The shop mode will permit you to predefine some values to avoid repetition.

Files structure

Extension files structure has been changed, for a better future development.


Included the plupload as uploader.

Included the newest version of fancybox (unfortunately last the free).

Included cleditor as wysiwyg editor.

Extension is XHTML valid;

Tested in Linux and windows.

Tested browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE

The administration mode work with: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE9

Use Yii version: 1.1.8

How to...?

Install fbgallery:

Extract the archive in your protected/extensions folder (or in any other place in your application).

In the root of your website create one folder named "galleries" and make it writable. This is default option, but you can use any folder. For this, you need to set its path relative to approot in Control Panel->Gallery->Structure->Container folder for galleries.

Import in the database the file fbgallery.sql from sql folder and set in config/main.php to use "tablePrefix"=>'tbl_'. If you use another tablePrefix, change the name of tables, using your own prefix.

Use fbgallery:

Just include in your page next code:


If you install the extension in another place, not in extensions folder, only adjust the above code.


When you start to use fbgallery, decide what type of thumbnail will be used: landscape, square or portrait.

All uploaded pictures will be resized to best fit in thumbnail. If you later will change aspect of the thumbnail, this will affect how images are displayed.

Customize fbgallery if is needed:

To customize how fbgallery will treat users level, change the function personalisedMode() from /libs/general/FBAccess.php

To customize how the extension will get the page's metatitle, adjust the function getPageTitle() from fbgallery.php to meet to your need.

If you will include fbgallery into a cms, which automatic generate pages with own ID, you will customize the function getUrlRouteStructure() from fbgallery.php, to be according with your url structure.

Change the name and the information about an album or a collection?

Click on its title. An text editor will appear. Change the value and click on Save button.

Switch to shop mode?

In Control panel->Gallery->Shop click on the "Set standard shop" button.


Check your ini.php file to not use E_STRICT error reporting.

Before comment here to ask help, please contact and ask me, using demo site.

26 2
5 841 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: GPL-3.0
Category: User Interface
Developed by: matricks
Created on: Nov 8, 2010
Last updated: 13 years ago


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