ezclipboard Widget to easily add ZeroClipboard copy functionality to a view


  1. Example
  2. Options
  3. Resources

This is basically an updated version of EZClip originally written by dasgarza. This widget is used to add a link or button to a view for easy copying. This widget uses jQuery plugin ZeroClipboard (https://github.com/jonrohan/ZeroClipboard).


  • Download the EZClipboard.zip file to the right
  • Unzip the file and copy it to the /protected/extensions/ directory in your Yii app
  • Insert widget code into a view


$this->widget('ext.EZClipboard.EZClipboard', array(
	'tag' => 'a',
	'tagHtmlOptions' => array('class'=>'copy-class'),
	'tagId' => 'copy_button',
	'clipboardText' => 'This is the text that will be copied'


		<script type="text/javascript">
			function onLoad() {
				console.log('Movie Loaded');

			function onComplete(client, args) {
  				console.log("Copied text to clipboard: " + args.text );
			$this->widget('ext.zClipboard.zClipboard, array(
				'tagHtmlOptions' 	=> array('class'=>'copy-class'),
				'tagId' 			=> 'copy_button',
				'tagContent' 	 	=> "Copy Text",
				'clipboardText'		=> 'This is the text that will be copied',
				'zcEvents' 			=> array('load'=>'onLoad', 'complete'=>'onComplete'),
				'scriptPos'			=> 'HEAD'

Would produce the following code:

		<script type="text/javascript">
			function onLoad() {
				console.log('Movie Loaded');

			function onComplete(client, args) {
  				console.log("Copied text to clipboard: " + args.text );
		<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/5fdfd183/js/ZeroClipboard.js"></script>
		<button class="copy-class" id="copy" data-clipboard-text="This is the text that will be copied">Copy Text</button>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			jQuery(function($) {var clip = new ZeroClipboard($('#copy'), {"moviePath":"\/assets\/5fdfd183\/swf\/ZeroClipboard.swf"});clip.on('load', 'onLoad');clip.on('complete', 'onComplete');});


tag - the type of tag to use (Default: 'button')

"tag" => "a"

tagHtmlOptions - the htmlOptions for the tag (i.e. 'id', 'class', etc.)

"tagHtmlOptions" => array(
	"class" => "copy_class"

tagContent - the content between the tags

"tagContent" => "Copy Text"

closeTag - whether or not to use a closing tag

"tagContent" => false

tagId - shortcut for the tag ID, could also use tagHtmlOptions

"tagId" => "copy_button"

zcOptions - ZeroClipboard options

"zcOptions" => array('moviePath'=>'....')  

zcEvents - ZeroClipboard events in an array

"zcEvents" => array('load'=>'onLoad')  

clipboardText - the text that will be copied when the user clicks the movie

"tagContent" => "This is the text that will be copied"

scriptPos - the position of the ZeroClipboard.js script tag (Default: 'END')

"scriptPos" => "HEAD"


3 0
Yii Version: 1.1
License: MIT
Category: User Interface
Developed by: sjricc
Created on: Apr 8, 2013
Last updated: 11 years ago


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