elrtef elRTE WYSIWYG editor with media-manager which can download files to your project media directory directly from editor

  1. Requirements
  2. Versions
  3. Usage
  4. Extension features
  5. Whats new in:
  6. Update instructions
  7. Resources

elRTE + elFinder (File manager)


Ext pack contains all necessary to start work. Works with JQ, JQ UI, .php Tested with Yii v.1.1.5+ but I think it would work in earlier versions too. publishes it`s resources into assets dir.


ELRTEF 1.2.1:


  • elRTE v. 1.3
  • elFinder v. 1.2


  • elRTE v. 1.2
  • elFinder v. 1.1


  • elRTE v. 1.1
  • elFinder v. 1.1


  • Unpack extension to desired dir.
  • Go to elfinder/connectors/php/connector.php (or connectors/php/connector.php in v.1.0) and edit it. Enter your passkey in first line

>Note: if you reconfigure your connector.php settings or changing styles - you must clean your assets dir to take effect.

  • Insert the following code:
<?php //you can use any desired dir to install this extension
 $this->widget('application.widgets.elrtef.elRTE', array( 
        'model' => $model,
        'attribute' => 'text',
        //'name' => 'text',
        //'htmlOptions' => array('height' => '600'),
        'options' => array(
                'doctype'=>'js:\'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\'',
                'cssClass' => 'el-rte',
                'cssfiles' => array('css/elrte-inner.css'),
                'allowSource' => true,
                'lang' => 'ru',
                'height' => 400,
                'fmAllow'=>true, //if you want to use Media-manager
                'fmOpen'=>'js:function(callback) {$("<div id=\"elfinder\" />").elfinder(%elfopts%);}',//here used placeholder for settings
                'toolbar' => 'maxi',
        'elfoptions' => array( //elfinder options
            'url'=>'auto',  //if set auto - script tries to connect with native connector
            'passkey'=>'mypass', //here passkey from first connector`s line
            'dialog'=>array('width'=>'900','modal'=>true,'title'=>'Media Manager'),
  • try to add an image into your edit field by clicking directory icon in the right of image URL field.

Extension features

  • Added elFinder file manager
  • Added passkey to connector and passkey field to elfinder options to get more secure
  • All styles work fine
  • Field remembers last input if validation errors

Whats new in:

1.2.1 - bugfix by rhertogh

1.2 - adding jquery.ui loader
1.2 - updated elrte version to 1.3
1.2 - updated efinder version to 1.2

1.1 - lil bugfixes
1.1 - changed extension structure to easier update
1.1 - updated elrte version to 1.2
1.0 - initial release

Update instructions

  1. Backup your connector file ('connectors/php/connector.php');
  2. Clean your assets dir
  3. Rename old elrtef extension to elrtef-bak
  4. Unpack new extension file to previous extension location
  5. Replace connector file in elfinder/connectors/php/connector.php with your backup connector copy
  6. Clean up your assets dir manually, or using cleanassets command line script
  7. Test all required functionalities
  8. Remove elrtef-bak directory


You can try demo on this sites and see available script options too.

16 3
4 364 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: GOsha
Created on: Nov 18, 2010
Last updated: 13 years ago


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