ekeepselection ¶
(BETA) Keep the selection between page changes in a CGridView component (Yii Framework)
Christian Salazar H. @salazarchris74 christiansalazarh@gmail.com
Installation ¶
Please copy this extension into your protected/extensions directory or simply clone it via github by calling:
cd yourapp/protected/extensions
git clone https://github.com/christiansalazar/ekeepselection.git
1) In your protected/config/main.php , edit your imports adding the following:
2) Add a CCheckBoxColumn in the CGridView and take care about the 'id' argument
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'id'=>'my-gridview', // IMPORTANT
'selectableRows'=>2, // 2 = allow multiple
'dataProvider'=> $anyDataProvider,
array('class'=>'CCheckBoxColumn'), // ADD A CCheckBoxColumn
3) In the same file (in were the CGridView is located) add this line:
$dummy = new EKeepSelection('#my-gridview'); // take care about the '#' and the ID
Reading the CGridView selection ¶
Suppose you have a button and you want to read the whole selected items in all pages.
// the keepSelectionData() will return an array of string items
var selected_items = $('#my-gridview').keepSelectionData();
// example iteration:
$.each(selected_items, function(index, value){ alert(value); });
// sending the selection to an ajax action:
$.ajax({ url: 'some' , type: 'post', data: { items: selected_items } });
In the sample action called you may want to have this code to read the post:
public function actionSomeDeleteObjects(){
foreach($_POST['items'] as $id){
$some = SomeClass::model()->findByPk($id);
WIKI (english)
doesn't works in TbGridView, only in standard zii.widgets.grid.CGridView
comming soon a patch to make this extension available for TbGridView (the bootstrap's component)
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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