ejwplayer EjwPlayer is a Yii widget for embedding JWPlayer 6.0 into your web applications



EjwPlayer is a Yii widget for embedding JWPlayer 6.0 into your web applications. If you have purchased the licensed player, swap out the files in 'assets' with your copies.

Github Repo: https://github.com/paulsz/EjwPlayer

*NOTE: I have not tested this widget with all possible combinations of JW settings. If you come accross any bugs, please let me know.


Either clone or unzip the directory into protected/extenstions/EjwPlayer (or other relevant folder based on your setup).


Here is an example of embedding a 2-video playlist, with 2 bitrates for each (270p and 720p):

<?php $this->widget('ext.EjwPlayer.EjwPlayer',array(
	'width' => 1280,
	'height' => 720,
	'title' => 'My Test Video',
	'controls' => 'false',
	'playlist' => array(
			'image' => '/sample-preview.jpg',
			'sources' => array(
				array('file' => '/videos/sample-270.mp4', 'height' => 270),
				array('file' => '/videos/sample-720.mp4', 'height' => 720),
			'image' => 'https://eduk-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/sey/2012-09-29/js-speaker5-preview.jpg',
			'sources' => array(
				array('file' => '/videos/sample2-270.mp4', 'height' => 270),
				array('file' => '/videos/sample2-720.mp4', 'height' => 720),
)); ?>

For a full list of JWPlayer configuation, see http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/.

//Primary Configuration
$filepath = File destination for the video, if embedding only a single file and format
$streampath = Stream destination. Will be combined with $filepath to produce the source video
$image = Preview image for a single video
$title = Title of the video
$div = (default: 'media') The div id for the video. Make sure this is unique for each player on a page.

//Layout Configuration
$controls = (default: true) Whether to display player controls
$width = Width of the player
$height = Height of the player
$skin = Path to a skin file for this player
$stretching = (default: 'uniform') Options are: none, exactfit, uniform, fill

//Playback Configuration
$autostart = (default: 'false') Whether to start the video automatically
$fallback = (default: 'true') Whether to provide a download link if HTML5 and Flash not supported
$primary = (default: 'html5') The primary video player, either 'html5' or 'flash'
$mute = (default: 'false') Whether to remove audio
$repeat = (default: 'false') Whether to repeat the video after completition

//Advanced Configuration
$plugins = (Array) Optional plugins provided. See www.longtailvideo.com
$playlist = (Array) Playlist options. See example above.
$listbar = (Array) Playlist bar options. See http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/28842/working-with-playlists/. $rtmp = (Array) Streaming options. See http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/28854/using-rtmp-streaming
$captions (Array) Caption options. See http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/28845/adding-video-captions

$logo = (Array) Configure your watermark. (Licensed versions only)
$ga = (Array) Google Analytics settings.
$key = Key for JW Ads

3 0
1 060 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Others
Developed by: Paul Sz
Created on: Nov 26, 2012
Last updated: 12 years ago


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