ejeditable Yii widget wrapping the jQuery Plugin "Jeditable", allowing inplace editing.

Yii EJEditable Extension

  1. Requirements
  2. Files
  3. Examples
  4. Resources

EJEditable is a Yii extension wrapping the jQuery Plugin Jeditable from Mika Tuupola.
Jeditable is an inplace editor plugin that allows you to click and edit the contents of various html elements.


Tested with Yii 1.1.9, should work with Yii 1.1 or above.


Extract the zip file and place the contents inside your protected/extensions folder.


In the examples below we will use the model "Category" with the attributes id, name, description and status.

1- Basic Use

In the beginning of your view file, call the widget without any options:


Further down in your view file are the elements you want to make editable.
Make sure that each element has the class "editable" and the attributes id and data-attribute are set: ~~~ [html]

<td class="editable" data-attribute="name" id=1 >Category 1</td>
<td class="editable" data-attribute="description" id=1 >Description of Category 1</td>
<td class="editable" data-attribute="status" id=1 >Active</td>

  • id is the id of the model instance that will be edited, and
  • data-attribute is the name of the attribute that will be edited.

Add the following action to your controller CategoryController.php:

public function actions()
	'updateAttribute' => array(
		'class' => 'ext.EJEditable.actions.UpdateAttributeAction',

What happens: All elements with the class "editable" become editable. A click on the element will turn it into a text field. Edit and press 'enter' to save changes, which will send a POST request to the default action updateAttribute of the current controller. That's it!

2- Advanced Use

In the same view file you can initiate multiple instances of the widget. You may need a separate instance for one or more attributes, if you for example want to edit them via something else than a text field, e.g. a drop-down list.

// Makes all elements with the class "editables" editable
$this->widget('ext.EJEditable.EJEditable', array(
	'url' => $this->createUrl('updateAttribute'),
		'submitdata'=>array('year'=>2014, 'month'=>2),
// Makes all elements with the class "editable_stat" editable
// and updates the `status` attribute of the model.
$this->widget('ext.EJEditable.EJEditable', array(
	'url' => $this->createUrl('updateAttribute'),
		'data'=>"{'0':'Inactive', '1':'Active'}",
	<td class="editables" data-attribute="name" id=1 >Category 1</td>
	<td class="editables" data-attribute="description" id=1 >Description of Category 1</td>
	<td class="editable_stat" data-color="red" id=1 >Active</td>

The widget has five optional properties:

  • url is the url of the action that handles the POST request and updates the attribute of the model. By default the updateAttributeAction included in this extension will be used. You can implement and use your own action by setting this property.
  • jquerySelector is a jQuery selector that is used to identify the elements that are to be made editable by this instance of the widget. The default value is ".editable". See the jQuery Documentation for a list of possible selectors.
  • attribute is the name of the model's attribute to be updated. The default value is null; it is assumed that the attribute name will be provided via the data-attribute of the html element.
  • submitDataAttributes is a boolean value indicating whether or not the data- attributes of the html elements should be sent as additional parameters with the POST request. The default value is true.
  • options is an array of additional options for the Jeditable plugin. The default value is an empty array. For a list of possible options and their use see the Jeditable Project Page.

The first instance of the widget will make all elements with the class "editables" editable. For these elements, a loading indicator will be shown after the form is submitted, while waiting for the response.
Furthermore, the parameters "year=2014" and "month=2" will be added to the POST request. Because submitDataAttributes is set to true (by default), the parameter "attribute=name", or "attribute=description" respectively, will also be added to the POST request.

The second instance of the widget will make all elements with the class "editable_stat" editable. A click on those elements will produce a drop-down list with the options defined in the data option. A click on the 'OK' button then submits the form.
Note that data-attribute is omitted in the last td element, and the name of the attribute to be updated is set via the widget's attribute property. Make sure that the attribute name is provided one way or the other.
Since submitDataAttributes is set to false, the parameter "color=red" will NOT be added to the POST request.

3- Use in CGridView

We can make the cells in a CGridView editable in the following way:

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
	'afterAjaxUpdate'=>'js:function(id, data) { init_editable(".editable"); }', // make cells editable again
			'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'"editable"', 'data-attribute'=>'"name"', 'id'=>'"{$data->id}"'),
			'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'"editable"', 'data-attribute'=>'"description"', 'id'=>'"{$data->id}"'),

It is important to set the afterAjaxUpdate property of CGridView, so that after an ajax update the cells are still editable. Here the function init_editable(selector) has to be called as shown in the example above, where selector is the jQuery selector that is used to identify the td-elements (i.e. cells) of the CGridView.

Note that we used the class DataColumn included in this extension. Please refer to this wiki article about how to use the special variable $data in the htmlOptions of a column in CGridView for more information.

4- Use in CDetailView

We can make the cells in a CDetailView table editable in the following way:

$this->widget('ext.EJEditable.EJEditable', array(
		'style'=>'border:none; height:15px; width:90%; padding:0; margin:0;'
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(
			'template'=>"<tr class=\"{class}\"><th>{label}</th><td id={$model->id} class='editable' data-attribute='name'>{value}</td></tr>\n",
			'template'=>"<tr class=\"{class}\"><th>{label}</th><td id={$model->id} class='editable' data-attribute='description'>{value}</td></tr>\n",

Styling Tip: A text field appearing within a table cell often disrupts the table layout (column widths change while and after editing). This can be avoided by initiating the widget with a style like above.


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Yii Version: Unknown
License: MIT
Category: User Interface
Developed by: c@cba
Created on: Feb 19, 2014
Last updated: 11 years ago


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