This is a ABA Routing Transit Number Validator.
I have created a GitHub repository for those willing to contribute on any of the extensions I created. Please, check the link at the bottom of this wiki.What is a Routing Transit Number? ¶
A routing transit number (RTN) is a nine digit bank code, used in the United States, which appears on the bottom of negotiable instruments such as checks identifying the financial institution on which it was drawn.
Requirements ¶
Developed using Yii 1.1.6
Usage ¶
Unzip the contents of the package and place it on your protected/extensions folder, then you can use the validator in the following ways:
As an attribute validator
// On your model's rules function
public function rules()
return array(
As standalone class
$aba = new EABARoutingNumberValidator();
echo 'VALIDATING ABA 222371863: '.
'Seems to be valid':'Validation Failed');
Note ¶
Please make use of the forum post to report errors, requests, and suggestions. Let comments on this extension for coding hints.
Resources ¶
Change Log ¶
version 1.0 ¶
- Initial Public Release
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If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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