donsimon/yii2-log-target-file Yii 2.0 customizable log message fileTarget

Yii2 LogTargetFile

  1. Installation
  2. Usage

Customize the log messages

Sort and change the log message's units


Just run in your console:

composer require donsimon/yii2-log-target-file "*"

or add

"donsimon/yii2-log-target-file": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Add following line to your main configuration file (e.g. config/main.php),

    'bootstrap' => ['log'],


Add following lines to the components section in configuration file, `php

    'log' => [
    //          'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0,
                'targets' => [
                            'class' => 'donsimon\log\logTargetFile',  
                            'levels' => ['info','warning','error'],
                            'categories' => ['user','application'],
                            'logVars' => ['_GET', '_POST', '_FILES', '_COOKIE', '_SESSION', '_SERVER'],
                            'logFile' => '@backend/runtime/logs/appAndUser.log',
                            'logMessageContainer' =>['timestamp','prefix','level','category','message'],
To write on log file client should call something like this,

 `Yii::info($message, $category);` 

Here $message and $category are variables.

your log will update.

What you can do here,

You can change log file name using `logFile`.

    eg: @backend/runtime/logs/user-activities.log

You can add many `categories`.

    eg: ['yii\web\HttpException:*','yii\base\ErrorException:*','user','application']

You can add many `levels` 

    eg: ['info','warning','error']

You can print vars using `logVars`.

[Refer more](


`logMessageContainer` is a array of log messages units `['timestamp','prefix','level','category','message']`. 

You can sort and change log messages units using `logMessageContainer` 

`prefixContainer` is a array of prefix units `['ip','userId','sessionId']`.

You can sort and change log messages prefix using `prefixContainer`

2 0
Yii Version: 2.0
License: BSD-3-Clause
Category: Logging
Developed by: chathura sudarsha
Created on: Nov 2, 2018
Last updated: 6 years ago
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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