yii2 captcha ¶
yii2 captcha with Ability to recognize Arabic and Persian numbers.
Installation ¶
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist developit/yii2-captcha "*"
or add
"developit/yii2-captcha": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Usage ¶
Once the extension is installed, simply modify your controler, add or change methode actions()
public function actions()
$this->layout = $this->setting['layout'];
return [
'error' => [
'class' => 'yii\web\ErrorAction',
'captcha' => [
'class' => 'developit\captcha\CaptchaAction',
'type' => 'numbers', // 'numbers', 'letters' or 'default' (contains numbers & letters)
'minLength' => 4,
'maxLength' => 4,
In view
use developit\captcha\Captcha;
$form->field($model, 'verifyCode')->widget(Captcha::className())
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