Yii2 DataLayer helper ¶
This extension is managed to help you fulfill dataLayer variable with initial data on fly. Some Google enhanced e-commerce features are also available.
Installation ¶
- The minimum required PHP version is PHP 7.1,
- Yii2 is required.
Using composer ¶
Add following line in your required section:
"dekar91/yii2-datalayer": "@stable"
Then, register the component in your application config:
'dataLayer' => [
'class' => 'dekar91\datalayer\DataLayer'
## Configuration
Plugin involves both PHP and JavaScript functionality. PHP component supports following parameters:
| Parameter | Default | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| autoPublish | true | Whether catch EVENT_END_PAGE event in order to render DataLayer. If false you should render datalayer by yourself though getJs or render method |
| observers | ['ec' => ['class' => DataLayerEc::class]] |Array of classes may be used like wrapper on datalayer accessible by key each element must be following format: 'key' => ['class' => {name of class to be loaded}, 'options' => {Additional options}. |
| customEvents | [] | Array of event must be handled by JavaScript.Format: ['jsSelector' => 'nameOfEvent', 'customEventData'] |
Configuration example:
'dataLayer' => [
'class' => 'dekar91\datalayer\DataLayer',
'options' => [
'autoPublish' => true,
'observers' => ['ec' => ['class' => DataLayerEc::class]],
'customEvents' => [
['.btn-checkout', 'click' , ['event' => 'checkoutEvent']],
with this configuration you DataLayer will be published, DataLayerEc can be used by Yii::app()-> dalaLayer->ec,
click on .btn-checkout will be handled and event information will be pushed in dataLayer.
## Usage
### Basic usage
You can push in dataLayer before rendering though **Yii::app()-> dalaLayer->push();**
#### Methods
| Method | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| render($return = false) | Render or return dataLayer Js variable |
| push(array $data, string $key = null) | push data to dataLayer with corresponding key. |
| &getItem($key) | return element of dataLayer by link |
### Enhanced e-commerce
Some basic functions of [Enhanced e-commerce](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce) are supported by default class DataLayerEc.
Please look though google documentation for further details.
**Be careful!** Do not push data in ajax request, it will not take effect.
#### Methods:
| Method |
| ------------- |
|currencyCode(string $currencyCode)|
|addProductImpression(array $product)|
|addPromoClick(array $product, array $action = [])|
|addPromoImpression(array $product)|
|addProductClick(array $product, array $action = [])|
|addProductDetails(array $product, array $action = [])|
|addToCart(array $product)|
|removeFromCart(array $product)|
|checkout(array $product, array $action = [])|
|checkoutOption($step, $checkoutOption)|
|purchase(array $purchase, array $products)|
|refund(array $transactionId, array $products = [])|
### User-defined observers
It's possible to extend dataLayer functionality by custom classes. While class is registered though observers property it can be used by Yii::app()->dataLayer->customClass. DataLayer object will be passed as first parameter in constructor.
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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