Leaflet Draw Plugin ¶
Yii 2 LeafletJs Plugin for the 2amigo Leaflet extension that adds the Leaflet Draw functionality.
This Plugin works in conjunction with LeafLet library for Yii 2 framework.
Installation ¶
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require "davidjeddy/yii2-leaflet-draw-plugin" "*"
or add
"davidjeddy/yii2-leaflet-draw-plugin" : "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
Usage ¶
// first lets setup the center of our map
$center = new \dosamigos\leaflet\types\LatLng(['lat' => 51.508, 'lng' => -0.11]);
// now lets create a marker that we are going to place on our map
$marker = new \dosamigos\leaflet\layers\Marker(['latLng' => $center, 'popupContent' => 'Hi!']);
// The Tile Layer (very important)
$tileLayer = new \dosamigos\leaflet\layers\TileLayer([
'urlTemplate' => 'http://otile{s}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg',
'clientOptions' => [
'attribution' => 'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="http://www.mapquest.com/" target="_blank">MapQuest</a> <img src="http://developer.mapquest.com/content/osm/mq_logo.png">, Map data © <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>',
'subdomains' => '1234',
// now our component and we are going to configure it
$leaflet = new \dosamigos\leaflet\LeafLet([
'center' => $center, // set the center
// init the 2amigos leaflet plugin provided by the package
$drawFeature = new \davidjeddy\leaflet\plugins\draw\Draw();
// optional config array for leadlet.draw
$drawFeature->options = [
"position" => "topright",
"draw" => [
"polyline" => [
"shapeOptions" => [
"color" => "#ff0000",
"weight" => 10
"polygon" => [
"allowIntersection" => false, // Restricts shapes to simple polygons
"drawError" => [
"color" => "#e1e100", // Color the shape will turn when intersects
"message" => "<b>Oh snap!</b> you can't draw that!" // Message that will show when intersect
"shapeOptions" => [
"color" => "#bada55"
"circle" => true, // Turns off this drawing tool
"rectangle" => [
"shapeOptions" => [
"clickable" => false
// Different layers can be added to our map using the `addLayer` function.
$leaflet->addLayer($marker) // add the marker
->addLayer($tileLayer) // add the tile layer
->installPlugin($drawFeature); // add draw plugin
// we could also do
echo $leaflet->widget(['options' => ['style' => 'min-height: 300px']]);
Testing ¶
Todo ¶
ADD edit
menu ability
ADD custom marker functionality
Contributing ¶
Please see ./docs/CONTRIBUTING for details.
Credits ¶
License ¶
The BSD License (BSD). Please see ./docs/License File for more information.
Special Thanks ¶
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