coderius/yii2-swiper-slider yii2 swiper slider

Yii2 swiper slider widget

  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Credits
  5. License

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This is yii2 extention widget renders js slider Swiper. This widget allows render slider in web page simply. Created for Yii2 framework.

Yii2 swiper slider widget example

Yii2 swiper slider widget example


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

First download extention. Run the command in the terminal: composer require coderius/yii2-swiper-slider:^1.0

or add in composer.json "coderius/yii2-swiper-slider": "^1.0" and run composer update


Widger with minimum options

You can only specify content for slides. This parameter is required.

In all files with widget put namespace to use class like: ` <?php namespace yournamespace

use coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider;

//Code ... `

In view file render widget: ` <?php

echo \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::widget([
    'slides' => [
        '<img src="">',
        '<img src="">'

?> `

Widget with more options:

You can customize the parameters of the widget

In view file render widget: ` <?php

echo \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::widget([
    // 'on ' . \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::EVENT_AFTER_REGISTER_DEFAULT_ASSET => function(){
    //     CustomAsset::register($view);
    // },
    'showScrollbar' => true,
    'slides' => [
            'value' => 'ggg',
            'options' => [
                'style' => ["background-image" => "url("]
        '<img src="">',
    // 'assetFromCdn' => true,
    'clientOptions' => [
        'slidesPerView' => 4,
        'spaceBetween'=> 30,
        'centeredSlides'=> true,
        'pagination' => [
            'clickable' => true,
            'renderBullet' => new \yii\web\JsExpression("function (index, className) {
                    return '<span class=\"' + className + '\">' + (index + 1) + '</span>';
            "scrollbar" => [
                "el" => \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::getItemCssClass(SwiperSlider::SCROLLBAR),
                "hide" => true,

    //Global styles to elements. If create styles for all slides
    'options' => [
        'styles' => [
            \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::CONTAINER => ["height" => "100px"],
            \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::SLIDE => ["text-align" => "center"],

?> `

Widget options



Usage in widget: ` echo \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::widget([


'on ' . \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::EVENT_AFTER_REGISTER_DEFAULT_ASSET => function(){


}, ` showScrollbar: true | false. Default is false

showPagination: true | false. Default is true

slides: string | array | . Contents slides content like or any string. Or array with keys: value, options. value maybe like string or Closure (function($tag, $index, $self){}). Example: ` 'slides' => [

        'value' => 'ggg',
        'options' => [
            'style' => ["background-image" => "url("]
        'value' => function($tag, $index, $self){
            return "some value {$index}";
        'options' => [
            'style' => ["color" => "green"]

... __clientOptions__: array. This options is pasted when initialize Swiper js (new Swiper('options here')). Please, remember that if you are required to add javascript to the configuration of the js plugin and is required to be plain JS, make use of `JsExpression`. That class was made by Yii for that specific purpose. For example: 'clientOptions' => [

'slidesPerView' => 4,
'spaceBetween'=> 30,
'centeredSlides'=> true,
'pagination' => [
    'clickable' => true,
    'renderBullet' => new \yii\web\JsExpression("function (index, className) {
            return '<span class=\"' + className + '\">' + (index + 1) + '</span>';
    "scrollbar" => [
        "el" => \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::getItemCssClass(SwiperSlider::SCROLLBAR),
        "hide" => true,

], __options__: array. This options is pasted when rendered dom elements. Various attributes for html elements are set here. This params allowed only for all template items: //Global styles to elements. If create styles for all slides 'options' => [

'styles' => [
    \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::CONTAINER => ["height" => "100px"],
    \coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::SLIDE => ["text-align" => "center"],
'class' => [\coderius\swiperslider\SwiperSlider::CONTAINER => ["myClass"],]


It is best to use constants to specify template elements:
* CONTAINER = 'container';
* WRAPPER = 'wrapper';
* SLIDE = 'slide';
* PAGINATION = 'pagination';
* BUTTON_PREV = 'button-prev';
* BUTTON_NEXT = 'button-next';
* SCROLLBAR = 'scrollbar';

## Testing

Run tests in extention folder.

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Note! For running all tests needed upload all dependencies by composer. If tested single extention, then run command from root directory where located extention: composer update

When all dependencies downloaded run all tests in terminal from root folder: ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests Or for only unit: ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Unit

If extention tested in app, then set correct path to phpunit and run some commands.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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1 follower
1 604 downloads
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Sergio
Created on: Nov 4, 2020
Last updated: (not set)
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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