create customize dropdown in tabnav bootstrap ext by criss83
Requirements ¶
Usage ¶
- downloald and install bootsrap extension by chris83
- download and extract file bootstrap-ext to extension path
- create tabnav in your layout
Yii::setPathOfAlias('_partials', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'_partials');
'brand'=>'<small><i class="icon-leaf"></i>Admin</small>',
'label'=>'<span class="badge badge-grey">4</span>',
'submenuOptions'=>array('class' => 'fixed-panel pull-right dropdown-navbar dropdown-caret dropdown-closer'),
simple fixed login panel bootstrap dropdown examample : placed in /themes/yourtheme/views/_partials called by : _partials._usermenu_loginform
/protected/views/_partials called by : ext.views._partials._usermenu_loginform
<li class="login">
<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" value=""/>
<input type="text" name="password" placeholder="Password" value=""/>
<button class="login">Login</button>
$cs = Yii::app()->clientScript;
return false;
jQuery("ul.dropdown-menu li button.login").click(function(){
//handler your form here
TbDropdownExt can't find the view "find_partials._usermenu_task".
Can you give me a example code please? Thank you!
TbDropdownExt can't find the view "find_partials._usermenu_task".
$themeBaseUrl = Yii::app()->theme->getBaseUrl(); Yii::setPathOfAlias('_partials', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'_partials');
above code for used of themes, if not used of themes, change this code to call
in views folder you must create _partials folder and place _usermenu_task.php there
example _usermenu_task.php :
echo '<li>'; //your login form or other list echo '</li>'
Example: _usermenu_task.php: Login form
But when click into textfield on dropdown: Dropdown is hide.
Do you have any solution for this problem?
Fixed Dropdown
this simple login form fixed dropdown bootstrap
<li class="login"> <form> <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" value=""/> <input type="text" name="password" placeholder="Password" value=""/> <button class="login">Login</button> </form> </li> <?php $cs = Yii::app()->clientScript; $cs->registerScript('fixed_dropdown',' jQuery("ul.fixed-panel.dropdown-menu").click(function(){ return false; }); jQuery("ul.dropdown-menu li button.login").click(function(){ //handler your form here jQuery("").removeClass("open"); }); ',CClientScript::POS_READY); ?>
add "fixed-panel" to class name of panel in TabNav widget :
'class'=>'ext.bootstrap-ext.widgets.TbDropdownExt', 'view'=>'_partials._usermenu_loginform', 'submenuOptions'=>array('class' => 'fixed-panel pull-right dropdown-navbar'),
please help with the form handler
please help with the form handler
<?php echo TbHtml::beginFormTb(TbHtml::FORM_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL,'/user/user/auth'); ?> <?php echo TbHtml::emailFieldControlGroup('email', '', array('label' => 'Email', 'placeholder' => 'Email')); ?> <?php echo TbHtml::passwordFieldControlGroup('password', '', array('label' => 'Password', 'placeholder' => 'Password')); ?> <?php echo TbHtml::checkBoxControlGroup('rememberMe', false, array( 'label' => 'Remember me', 'controlOptions' => array('after' => TbHtml::submitButton('Sign in',array('onclick'=>'btn.submit()'))), )); ?> <?php echo TbHtml::endForm(); ?>
$cs = Yii::app()->clientScript;
jQuery("ul.fixed-panel.dropdown-menu").click(function(){ return false; }); jQuery("ul.dropdown-menu li button.login").click(function(){
jQuery("class-group controls btn").click(function(){submit();}); jQuery("").removeClass("open"); });
form handler
use submit ajax and reload page if login success
change your form :
'controlOptions' => array('after' => TbHtml::submitButton('Sign in',array('onclick'=>'return false'))),
change jQuery Script :
$cs = Yii::app()->clientScript; $cs->registerScript('fixed_dropdown',' jQuery("ul.fixed-panel.dropdown-menu").click(function(){ return false; }); jQuery("ul.dropdown-menu li button.login").click(function(){ jQuery.ajax({ url : '', //url controller handling ajax data : , //bind data from form success : function(res){ if(typeof data.loged != 'undefined' && data.loged == true){ window.location= window.returnUrl; } } }); jQuery("").removeClass("open"); }); ',CClientScript::POS_READY);
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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