Yii2 RESTful generator for gii ¶
Gii 模块的REST代码生成器,包含Model和Controller。
代码注释文档包含OpenAPI Specification 规范的文档。
可配合 Yii2 OpenApi Reader 模块渲染出漂亮的api文档。
安装 Installation ¶
通过 composer安装.
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist bestyii/yii2-gii-rest "*"
or add
"bestyii/yii2-gii-rest": "*"
或者添加下面代码到 composer.json
使用 Usage ¶
$config['modules']['gii'] = [
'class' => 'yii\gii\Module',
'generators' => [ //自定义生成器
'rest-model' => [ // generator name
'class' => 'bestyii\giiRest\generators\model\Generator', // generator class
'rest-crud' => [ // generator name
'class' => 'bestyii\giiRest\generators\crud\Generator', // generator class
运行gii,可以看到增加了REST Model Generator
和REST CRUD Generator
示例 controller
namespace app\modules\api\controllers;
use app\modules\api\models\UserIdentity; use Yii; use app\modules\api\models\User; use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; use app\modules\api\components\ActiveController; use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; use yii\web\ServerErrorHttpException;
- @OA\Tag(
- name="Users",
- description="用户账号",
- @OA\ExternalDocumentation(
- description="更多相关",
- url="http://bestyii.com"
- )
) */ class UserController extends ActiveController { public $modelClass = 'app\modules\api\models\UserIdentity';
- @OA\Get(
- path="/users",
- summary="查询 User",
- tags={"Users"},
- description="",
- operationId="findUser",
- @OA\Parameter(
- name="ids",
- in="query",
- description="逗号隔开的 id",
- required=false,
- @OA\Schema(
- type="integer",
- @OA\Items(type="int20"),
- ),
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=200,
- description="查询成功",
- @OA\Schema(
- type="array",
- @OA\Items(ref="#/components/schemas/User")
- ),
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response="400",
- description="无效的id",
- ),
- security={{
- "bearerAuth":{}
- }}
- )
public function actionIndex()
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => UserIdentity::find(),
]); return $dataProvider; }
- @OA\Get(
- path="/users/{id}",
- summary="通过ID显示详情",
- description="",
- operationId="getUserById",
- tags={"Users"},
- @OA\Parameter(
- description="id",
- in="path",
- name="id",
- required=true,
- @OA\Schema(
- type="integer",
- format="int64"
- )
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=200,
- description="操作成功",
- @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User")
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response="400",
- description="无效的ID"
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response="404",
- description="没有找到相应资源"
- ),
- security={{
- "bearerAuth":{}
- }}
- ) */ public function actionView($id) { return $this->findModel($id); }
- @OA\Post(
- path="/users",
- tags={"Users"},
- operationId="addUser",
- summary="添加",
- description="",
- @OA\RequestBody(
- required=true,
- description="创建 User 对象",
- @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User"),
- @OA\MediaType(
- mediaType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
- @OA\Schema(
- type="object",
- ref="#/components/schemas/User"
- ),
- )
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=201,
- description="操作成功",
- @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User")
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=405,
- description="无效的输入",
- ),
- security={{
- "bearerAuth":{}
- }}
- )
public function actionCreate()
$model = new UserIdentity();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->getRequest()->getBodyParams(), '') && $model->save()) {
$response = Yii::$app->getResponse(); $response->setStatusCode(201);
} elseif (!$model->hasErrors()) {
throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Failed to create the object for unknown reason.');
} return $model; }
- @OA\Put(
- path="/users/{id}",
- tags={"Users"},
- operationId="updateUserById",
- summary="更新指定ID数据",
- description="",
- @OA\Parameter(
- description="id",
- in="path",
- name="id",
- required=true,
- @OA\Schema(
- type="integer",
- format="int64"
- )
- ),
- @OA\RequestBody(
- required=true,
- description="更新 User 对象",
- @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User"),
- @OA\MediaType(
- mediaType="multipart/form-data",
- @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/User")
- )
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=200,
- description="操作成功",
- @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User")
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=400,
- description="无效的ID",
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=404,
- description="没有找到相应资源",
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=405,
- description="数据验证异常",
- ),
- security={{
- "bearerAuth":{}
- }}
- )
public function actionUpdate($id)
$model = $this->findModel($id);
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->getBodyParams(), '') && $model->save()) {
} elseif (!$model->hasErrors()) {
throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Failed to update the object for unknown reason.');
} return $model; }
- @OA\Delete(
- path="/users/{id}",
- summary="删除User",
- description="",
- operationId="deleteUser",
- tags={"Users"},
- @OA\Parameter(
- description="需要删除数据的ID",
- in="path",
- name="id",
- required=true,
- @OA\Schema(
- type="integer",
- format="int64"
- )
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=204,
- description="没有找到相应资源"
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=400,
- description="无效的ID"
- ),
- @OA\Response(
- response=404,
- description="没有找到相应资源"
- ),
- security={{
- "bearerAuth":{}
- }}
- )
public function actionDelete($id)
$model = $this->findModel($id);
if ($model->softDelete() === false) {
throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Failed to delete the object for unknown reason.');
} Yii::$app->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); }
- Finds the User model based on its primary key value.
- If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
- @param string $id
- @return User the loaded model
- @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
protected function findModel($id)
if (($model = UserIdentity::findOne($id)) !== null) {
return $model;
} throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested User does not exist.'); } }
示例 model
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="User",
* required={"username"},
* @OA\Property(
* property="id",
* description="User ID",
* type="integer",
* format="int64",
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="username",
* description="用户名",
* type="string",
* maxLength=100,
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="email",
* description="邮箱",
* type="string",
* maxLength=100,
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="password",
* description="密码",
* type="string",
* maxLength=64,
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="created_at",
* description="创建时间",
* type="string",
* default="0",
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="updated_at",
* description="更新时间",
* type="string",
* default="0",
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="last_login_at",
* description="最后登录时间",
* type="string",
* default="0",
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="ip",
* description="登录IP ip2long",
* type="integer",
* format="int64",
* default=0,
* ),
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