awegen Code generator for Yii (with optional bootstrap support)

  1. What It Does?
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Resources

awegen is an awesome code generator for Yii framework.
awegen borrows goodies from giix and gtc.

What It Does?

  1. Generates textarea for text db type
  2. Generates textarea with markitp editor for longtext db type (Uses markitup widget)
  3. Generates checkbox for boolean db types
  4. Uses JToggleColumn for boolean types in Admin/CGridView (Uses JToggleColumn extension)
  5. Generates fields with Datepicker for date db type
  6. Generates fields with Datetimepicker for time, datetime and timestamp db type (Uses datetimepicker widget)
  7. Allows easy addition of access control templates in the generator
    ( Users can add templates into AweCrud/templates/default/auth folder and they will be listed in the CRUD generator)
  8. Guesses e-mail fields by field names and adds e-mail validation for forms and mailto links for views
  9. Guesses image fields by field names and tries to display the image in views
  10. Guesses url fields by field names and adds url validation for forms and creates links for views
  11. Guesses password fields by field names, generates password fields for them in forms and hides them from non-admin users in views
  12. Guesses createtime and updatetime fields and adds proper timestamp behaviour to them
  13. Uses Activerecord-relation-behavior to handle all kinds of relations
  14. Creates pulldown menu for one-to-many and one-to-one relations
  15. Creates checkboxes for fields with many-to-many relations
  16. Keeps generated code in abstract base model so that regeneration doesn't overwrite user changes
  17. Guesses identification column for models and uses them in headings and breadcrumbs
    (Looks for following fields in order of priority - name, title, slug, any field with name in its name, first non-numeric field, primary key)
  18. Handles parent-child relationship of items among same model (Allows an item to be parent/child of any other items from the same table but not itself)


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Extract the content of the archive to extensions directory and rename the top level directory from extrancted content to awegen.

Add the path of awegen to generatorPaths section in gii module configuration in config/main.php

'modules' => array(
        'gii' => array(
            'class' => 'system.gii.GiiModule',
            'password' => 'password',
            'generatorPaths' => array(

Add the components required to your imports section

'import' => array(


Browse to /gii, login and select AweModel Generator to create Model and then AweCrud to generate Controller and Views.
Use * for table name in Model generator to preview all models. Generate all or selectively.


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1 262 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: LGPL-3.0
Category: Others
Developed by: xtranophilist
Created on: Jun 10, 2012
Last updated: 11 years ago


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