AutoAdminGis is a CMS for geographic and geometric data
. Design your databases freely, install this extension and operate with GEO data with pleasure: type coordinates from keyboard or visually edit shapes right on map!
This is an extensions for AutoAdmin CMS framework (that, in it's turn, is a base Yii extension).
Please go to Github page if you have troubles with viewing the images on this page.
Links ¶
Requirements ¶
Yii 1.1 or above (requires jQuery 1.7.1 or above).
AutoAdminGis based on GIS Spatial data model and requires supporting of spatial data in your DB. It was tested on MySQL and PostgreSQL (with PostGIS extension) databases. But it should work on SQL Server and Oracle platforms as well.
To operate with shapes on map you have to have an internet connection (to connect with Google Maps server).
Setup ¶
- Install the Yii AutoAdmin Extension.
- Edit the config: add the extension in AutoAdmin module section (see below).
- Design your DB interfaces basing on AutoAdmin standarts.
Yii config setup ¶
In AutoAdmin module section set add necessary parameters:
$main['modules'] = array(
'extensions' => array(
'Gis' => array(
'srid' => 4326, //classic GPS coordinates (WGS84 geodesic system)
Usage ¶
Geo point interface ¶
public function actionRuevents()
array('title', 'string', 'What happened', array('show')),
array('when_happened', 'date', 'When happened', array('show')),
array('place', 'GisPoint', 'Where happened', array('show', 'null'))
$this->pageTitle = 'Russian historical events';
Geo polygon interface ¶
public function actionParanormals()
array('title', 'string', 'Phenomena', array('show')),
array('zone', 'GisPolygon', 'Zone', array('show')),
$this->pageTitle = 'World paranormal zones';
Geo line interface ¶
public function actionExpeditions()
array('title', 'string', 'Voyage', array('show')),
array('route', 'gislinestring', 'Route', array('show', 'options'=>array('showCoords'=>false)))
$this->pageTitle = 'Famous historical expeditions';
Field types ¶
You can easily develope custom field types. A Field class have to inherite AAField and redefine methods you want to make custom.
AutoAdminGis currently operates only with plain objects and doesn't support multi-shapes for a while. Now it includes the following spatial types:
GisPoint ¶
Standart geometrical points. Usually corresponds to POINT SQL type.
You may input coordinates manually or indicate points on map.
GisLinestring ¶
Standart geometrical polylines. Usually corresponds to LINESTRING SQL type.
You may input coordinates manually or indicate path on map.
GisPolygon ¶
Standart geometrical polygones. Usually corresponds to POLYGON SQL type.
You may input coordinates manually or indicate polygon on map, using multi-vertex polygon and rectangle tools.
Supported languages ¶
English, russian.
This is very interesting. I will try this out as soon as I can.
I have built a website using yii for crowd sourcing data about point based objects for a specific domain. However, as I'm not the only one trying to apply crowd sourcing to a problem, its nice to see more and more OSS projects that provide larger building blocks than just the map widget. (which is a key component, but you need quite a bit more than just that)
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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