adgallery A Yii framework wrapper for the AD Gallery jquery plugin

  1. 1.0.1 Bug Fixes
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Usage

This extension allows you to transform a list of images into an attractive gallery with scrollable thumbnails. Features include:

  • Events that accept javascript callbacks

  • Optional separation of thumb and big image for bandwidth optimization

  • Extremely customizable

This widget has been tested in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3.6.13

  • Chrome 8.0.552.231

  • Safari 5.0.3 (6533.19.4)

Please leave a comment if you test it in any other browsers so that I can include them in this list (if they work) and fix them if they do not work!

1.0.1 Bug Fixes

  • The ad-gallery jquery plugin uses javascript to set some sizes and css to set others. I tried to simplify this by setting all sizes with javascript so that they can be passed to the widget directly. Because of this, some browsers had an issue with the height of the main image not setting properly. This has been fixed in 1.0.1

  • The gallery slideshow autostarted even if agSlideShowAutoStart was set to false. This has been fixed in 1.0.1


Yii 1.1


Unzip and move the adGallery folder to your extension folder.


Simply provide a list of images in an array when calling the widget. The list can be simple or detailed, or you can mix simple and detailed in the same array. See the example:

			'imageList' => array(
					'image_url' => 'images/1.jpg',
					'thumb_url' => 'images/thumbs/t1.jpg',
					'title' => 'Test tile',
					'link' => '',
					'alt' => 'Something something',
					'image_url' => 'images/2.jpg',
					'title' => 'Test tile sdfjaskdf',
					'link' => '',

You can also specify size information if you wish:

			'agWidth' => 450, //450 px wide main image
			'agHeight' => 200, //200 px wide main image
			'agThumbHeight' => 75, //75px tall thumb images
			'agEffect' => 'slide-vert', //vertically slide between images
			'agSlideShowAutoStart' => 'true', //Automatically start a slide show
			'imageList' => array(...),
9 0
3 688 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: MIT
Category: User Interface
Developed by: MadSkillsTisdale
Created on: Dec 27, 2010
Last updated: 14 years ago


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