This is an extension for highstock that can works with yii's CActiveDataProvider. It's a improved extension of by an adaptation from
Requirements ¶
- Yii 1.0 or above
- PHP 5.1 or above
Installation ¶
- Extract the release file under protected/extensions
Usage ¶
Basic Usage ¶
You can either use the widget according to the formal usage or use it through a new way.
The basic usage you can refer to
Here,I just demonstrate how does this extension work with yii's CActiveDataProvider.
- For example,create your data model named 'ChartData'.It has 'id','time' and 'data' attributes.
[sql] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `chart_data` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chart_data`; CREATE TABLE `chart_data` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `time` INT, -- it stores UNIX_TIMESTAMP in seconds from 1970-01-01 `data` float DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
-- Records of chart_data -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO chart_data VALUES ('1', '1333174685', '2'); INSERT INTO chart_data VALUES ('2', '1333274685', '4'); INSERT INTO chart_data VALUES ('3', '1333374685', '1'); INSERT INTO chart_data VALUES ('4', '1333474685', '8'); INSERT INTO chart_data VALUES ('5', '1333574685', '5'); ~~~
- Create controller
* a combine view of highcharts
public function actionChartView()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('ChartData',
//json formatted ajax response to request
if(isset($_GET['json']) && $_GET['json'] == 1){
$count = ChartData::model()->count();
for($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
$data = ChartData::model()->findByPk($i);
$data->data += rand(-10,10);
echo CJSON::encode($dataProvider->getData());
- Create View
$this->Widget('ext.ActiveHighstock.HighstockWidget', array(
'options'=> array(
'theme' => 'grid', //dark-blue dark-green gray grid skies
'credits' => array('enabled' => true),
'title'=>array('text'=>'Table title'),
'xAxis'=>array('maxZoom'=>'4 * 3600000' ), //4 hours
'name'=>'SeriesTitle', //title of data
'dataResource'=>'data', //data resource according to MySQL column 'data'
'dateResource'=>'time', //data resource according to MySQL column 'time'
- Type http://yoursite/chartdata/chartview to see your chart.Have fun :)
Change Log ¶
- 2011-12-28 init first version
- 2011-12-31 Change the data source to be binded to only highcharts series 'name' attribute
- 2012-01-15 Change the data source to be binded to only a self-defined attribute 'dataResource' and improve the chart's ajax action.
- 2012-04-04 Adapted ActiveHighCharts to ActiveHighstock
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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