Method | Description | Defined By |
__call() |
Calls the named method which is not a class method. |
CComponent |
__construct() |
CDbCommandBuilder |
__get() |
Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. |
CComponent |
__isset() |
Checks if a property value is null. |
CComponent |
__set() |
Sets value of a component property. |
CComponent |
__unset() |
Sets a component property to be null. |
CComponent |
applyCondition() |
Alters the SQL to apply WHERE clause. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
applyGroup() |
Alters the SQL to apply GROUP BY. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
applyHaving() |
Alters the SQL to apply HAVING. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
applyJoin() |
Alters the SQL to apply JOIN clause. |
CMysqlCommandBuilder |
applyLimit() |
Alters the SQL to apply LIMIT and OFFSET. |
CMysqlCommandBuilder |
applyOrder() |
Alters the SQL to apply ORDER BY. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
asa() |
Returns the named behavior object. |
CComponent |
attachBehavior() |
Attaches a behavior to this component. |
CComponent |
attachBehaviors() |
Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. |
CComponent |
attachEventHandler() |
Attaches an event handler to an event. |
CComponent |
bindValues() |
Binds parameter values for an SQL command. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
canGetProperty() |
Determines whether a property can be read. |
CComponent |
canSetProperty() |
Determines whether a property can be set. |
CComponent |
createColumnCriteria() |
Creates a query criteria with the specified column values. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createCountCommand() |
Creates a COUNT(*) command for a single table. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createCriteria() |
Creates a query criteria. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createDeleteCommand() |
Creates a DELETE command. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createFindCommand() |
Creates a SELECT command for a single table. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createInCondition() |
Generates the expression for selecting rows of specified primary key values. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createInsertCommand() |
Creates an INSERT command. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createMultipleInsertCommand() |
Creates a multiple INSERT command. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createPkCondition() |
Generates the expression for selecting rows of specified primary key values. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createPkCriteria() |
Creates a query criteria with the specified primary key. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createSearchCondition() |
Generates the expression for searching the specified keywords within a list of columns. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createSqlCommand() |
Creates a command based on a given SQL statement. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createUpdateCommand() |
Creates an UPDATE command. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
createUpdateCounterCommand() |
Creates an UPDATE command that increments/decrements certain columns. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
detachBehavior() |
Detaches a behavior from the component. |
CComponent |
detachBehaviors() |
Detaches all behaviors from the component. |
CComponent |
detachEventHandler() |
Detaches an existing event handler. |
CComponent |
disableBehavior() |
Disables an attached behavior. |
CComponent |
disableBehaviors() |
Disables all behaviors attached to this component. |
CComponent |
enableBehavior() |
Enables an attached behavior. |
CComponent |
enableBehaviors() |
Enables all behaviors attached to this component. |
CComponent |
evaluateExpression() |
Evaluates a PHP expression or callback under the context of this component. |
CComponent |
getDbConnection() |
Returns database connection. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
getEventHandlers() |
Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. |
CComponent |
getLastInsertID() |
Returns the last insertion ID for the specified table. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
getSchema() |
Returns the schema for this command builder. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
hasEvent() |
Determines whether an event is defined. |
CComponent |
hasEventHandler() |
Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. |
CComponent |
hasProperty() |
Determines whether a property is defined. |
CComponent |
raiseEvent() |
Raises an event. |
CComponent |
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