Using CJuiDialog to display flash Messages in Dialogues

In order to nicely display flash Messages, create view like this called views/site/dialog.php :

if($flashes = Yii::app()->user->getFlashes()) {
	foreach($flashes as $key => $message) {
		if($key != 'counters') {
			$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(
							'show' => 'blind',
							'hide' => 'explode',
							'modal' => 'true',
							'title' => $message['title'],

			printf('<span class="dialog">%s</span>', $message['content']);


add this line before your <?php echo $content; ?> of your layout file (most probably views/layouts/main.php) :

<?php $this->renderPartial('//site/dialog'); ?>

after that, a very nice jquery ui dialog will display your flash messages.

In addition to this, i suggest a wrapper function like this:

class Dialog {
	public static function Message($title, $message, $id = 0) {
		if($id == 0)
			$id = rand(1, 999999);
		Yii::app()->user->setflash($id, array('title' => $title, 'content' => $message) );

This way you can toggle your Dialogues, even with HTML content and different Buttons inside as easy as this:

$message = 'Hello World!';
		$message .= '<br /><strong>Where do you want to go today?</strong><br />';
		$message .= CHtml::Button('Home', array('submit' => array('home/admin')));
		$message .= '<br />';
		$message .= CHtml::Button('Far far away', array('submit' => array('far/away')));
		Dialog::message('Title', $message);

or just

Dialog::message('title', 'content');

I hope this Code snippet will be useful for you. Please send any advices, suggestions or errors to, thank you.

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Viewed: 29 139 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Written by: thyseus
Last updated by: thyseus
Created on: Aug 8, 2010
Last updated: 14 years ago
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