yii-conditional-validator If-then validation rules using core validators!

  1. General Information
  2. Syntax
  3. Examples
  4. Validation using related data
  5. Installation
  6. Requirements, Help and Reference
  7. Changelog and ToDo

General Information

Note: This extension is no more being maintained. Be free to fork it on github.

YiiConditionalValidator (YCV) validates some attributes depending on certains conditions (rules). You can use any core validator as you usually would do or any other class based or inline validator. An interesting feature is that you can use dot.notation in your rules to achieve data in related models and you can even use the own YiiConditionalValidator inside itself to perform more complex conditions;

Basically, YCV executes the rules set in the param if and if there are no errors executes the rules set in the param then.


array('safeAttribsList', 'path.to.YiiConditionalValidator',
    'if' => array(
        //rule1: array('attrX, attrY', 'required', ...)
        //ruleN: ...
    'then' => array(
        //rule1: array('attrZ, attrG', 'required', ...)
        //ruleN: ...
  • safeAttribsList: The name of the attributes that should be turned safe (since Yii has no way to make dinamic validators to turn attributes safe);
  • path.to.YiiConditionalValidator: In the most of cases will be ext.YiiConditionalValidator;
  • if: (bidimensional array) The conditional rules to be validated. Only if they are all valid (i.e., have no errors) then the rules in then will be validated;
  • then: (bidimensional array) The rules that will be validated only if there are no errors in rules of if param;

Note: Errors in the rules set in the param if are discarded after checking. Only errors in the rules set in param then are really kept.


If customer_type is "active" then birthdate and city are required:

public function rules()
    return array(
        array('customer_type', 'ext.YiiConditionalValidator',
            'if' => array(
                array('customer_type', 'compare', 'compareValue'=>"active"),
            'then' => array(
                array('birthdate, city', 'required'),

If customer_type is "inactive" then birthdate and city are required and city must be "sao_paulo", "sumare" or "jacarezinho":

public function rules()
    return array(
        array('customer_type', 'ext.YiiConditionalValidator',
            'if' => array(
                array('customer_type', 'compare', 'compareValue'=>"active"),
            'then' => array(
                array('birthdate, city', 'required'),
                array('city', 'in', 'range' => array("sao_paulo", "sumare", "jacarezinho")),

If information starts with 'http://' and has at least 24 chars length then the own information must be a valid url:

public function rules()
    return array(
        array('information', 'ext.YiiConditionalValidator',
            'if' => array(
                array('information', 'match', 'pattern'=>'/^http:\/\//'),
                array('information', 'length', 'min'=>24, 'allowEmpty'=>false),
            'then' => array(
                array('information', 'url'),

Validation using related data

Note: This feature may not fit into situations too much complex.

You can use dot.notation in attribute name to fetch data from a related model in your rules.


Assuming that Customer has a relation 'profile', you could check (in customer rules) if the profile.username is not empty before validate something:

//Customer Model
public function rules()
    return array(
        array('information', 'ext.YiiConditionalValidator',
            'if' => array(
                //would only return true if profile.username is not empty
                array('profile.username', 'required'),
            'then' => array(
                array('someAttrib', 'someValidation', ...),


  1. Put YiiConditionalValidator.php in your application.extensions folder;

Requirements, Help and Reference

Changelog and ToDo

  • [Version 1.0.0]

    • Usage made yet more easier, simplyfied and objective;
    • New if/then operators replace validations/dependentValidations making the use more natural;
    • Code completely refactored and (almost) commented;
    • Allows to use multiple attributes and/or validator combinations in the same set of YCV rule;
  • [Version 0.2.0]

    • Usage made easier, more simplyfied and more objective;
    • New 'dot.notation' usage on attributes name (will be improoved on next versions);
    • Some bug fixes;
  • [ToDo]