relation Relation Widget

  1. Documentation
  2. Change Log

The Relation widget is used in forms, where the User can choose between a selection of related elements.

It automatically renders a Selectbox or Listbox. Every Type of Relation is supported (even MANY_MANY since 0.8).



The Relation widget is used in forms, where the User can choose between a selection of model elements, that this models belongs to.

Since version 0.8 it is able to handle BELONGS_TO, HAS_ONE and MANY_MANY Relations. The Relation type is detected automatically from the Model 'relations()' section.

The following example shows how to use Relation with a minimal config, assuming we have a Model "Post" and "User", where one User belongs to a Post:

$this->widget('application.components.Relation', array(
   'model' => 'Post',
   'relation' => 'user'
   'fields' => 'username' // show the field "username" of the parent element

Results in a selectbox in which the user can choose between all available Users in the Database. The shown field of the Table "User" is "username" in this example.

You can choose the Style of your Widget in the 'style' option. Note that a Many_Many Relation always gets rendered as a Listbox, since you can select multiple Elements.

'fields' can be an array or an string. If you pass an array to 'fields', the Widget will display every field in this array. If you want to show further sub-relations, separate the values with '.', for example: 'fields' => 'array('parent.grandparent.description')

Optional Parameters:

You can use 'field' => 'post_userid' if the field in the model that represents the foreign model is called different than in the relation

Use 'foreignField' => 'id_of_user' if the primary Key of the Foreign Model differs from the one given in the relation.

Normally you shouldn´t use this fields cause the Widget get the relations automatically from the relation.

Use 'allowEmpty' to let the user be able to choose no parent. The string assigned to 'emptyString' will be displayed.

With 'hideAddButton' => 'true' you can hide the 'create new Foreignkey' Button generated beside the Selectbox.

Define the AddButtonString with 'addButtonString' => 'Add...'. This string is set default to '+'

When using the '+' button you most likely want to return to where you came. To accomplish this, we pass a 'returnTo' parameter by $_GET. The Controller can send the user back to where he came from this way:


Using the 'style' option we can configure if we want our widget to be rendered as a 'Selectbox' (default) or a 'ListBox'.

Use the option 'createAction' if the action to add additional foreign Model options differs from 'create'.

With 'parentObjects' you can limit the Parent Elements that are being shown. It takes an array of elements that could be returned from an scope or an SQL Query.

The parentObjects can be grouped, for example, with 'groupParentBy' => 'city'

Use the option 'htmlOptions' to pass any html Options to the Selectbox/Listbox form element.

hint: ManyMany Records can easily be saved by using the CAdvancedArBehavior Behavior.

Full Example:

$this->widget('application.components.Relation', array(
   'model' => 'Post',
   'field' => 'Userid',
   'style' => 'ListBox',
   'parentObjects' => Parentmodel::model()->findAll('userid = 17'),
   'groupParentsBy' => 'city',
   'relation' => 'user',
   'foreignField' => 'id_of_user',
   'fields' => array( 'username', '' ),
  'delimiter' => ' -> ', // default: ' | '
   'returnTo' => 'model/create',
   'createAction' => 'add', // default: 'create'
   'addButtonString' => 'click here to add a new User', // default: ''
   'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 100px;')

Change Log

February, 21, 2010
  • Version 0.9
  • Better Name generation for MANY_MANY Field
February, 21, 2010
  • Version 0.8
  • Fixed Bug: get_class($this->foreignModel) instead of tableschema->className
  • Added support for MANY_MANY Relations which gets rendered in a multiple-selectable ListBox
February, 07, 2010
  • Version 0.7
  • added parentGroupBy and parentObjects
February, 02, 2010
  • Version 0.6
  • minor bugfix (get_class instead tableSchema->name)
  • added allowEmpty
  • added emptyString
January 25, 2010
  • Uploaded Version 0.4
  • added getModelData() function for translating . to ->
January 25, 2010
  • Uploaded Version 0.3.
  • Bugfixes
  • htmlOptions
  • 'fields' (array or string)
  • 'style' (Listbox or Selectbox)
  • further Enhancements
January 21, 2010
  • Uploaded Version 0.2.
  • Bugfixes and now support 'returnTo' link (see Documentation)
January 19, 2010
  • Initial release.
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4 810 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: thyseus
Created on: Jan 19, 2010
Last updated: 15 years ago


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