es3 Extension to access the S3 class for interaction with Amazon S3

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  3. Resources

This extension is used to interact with Amazon S3 using the S3 class created by Donovan Schönknecht (see Resources for link). I wrote this about a year ago and am posting it now simply because of the number of questions about CDNs that have come up today. I added a minimum of direct methods to add to the base class, and for everything else there is a simple 'call' method which will pass through to the base class.


Yii 1.1+

CFile Extension (required for using the upload method, otherwise optional)


Add the following to your app component configuration

		'aKey'=>'ADD YOUR AKEY HERE', 

The extension assumes that you have CFile Extension configured to use 'file' as the application component name.

Then to upload a file to S3, simply:

// upload the original version
$success = Yii::app()->s3->upload( 'originalfile' , 'uploadedfile', 's3_BucketName' );


The original S3 class by and documentation by Donovan Schönknecht can be found here:

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2 219 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Web Service
Tags: Amazon S3, AWS, CDN, S3
Developed by: Dana
Created on: Dec 17, 2010
Last updated: 14 years ago


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