Wiki articles tagged with "select2"

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Managing your nested dropdown dependency with DepDrop widget

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 10 years ago by Kartik V.

If you are coming over to Yii 2 from Yii 1.x, you may have already read this useful wiki for creating dependent dropdowns. You can use a similar approach in Yii 2 to do the same. But if you are looking at a prebuilt solution that helps you manage it easier, read along.

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Viewed: 89 138 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Select2 Infinite Scroll With Remote Data in Yii

Created 10 years ago by IsraelAma, updated 10 years ago by CeBe.

I was able to set up the infinite scroll of select2 in Yii. I am glad to share it with you. The demo and source code can be found here. However, select2 for Yii can be found here which uses a widget.

3 0
Viewed: 22 301 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Tags manipulation using Select2 in single field

Created 10 years ago by sefburhan, updated 10 years ago by CeBe.

Sometime its very important to perform many actions/operation with limited time frame for friendly use, select2 provides a lot of such functionality , I just extend it tags functionality to provide a quick use for developer to save time, as I spent much time on it.

2 0
Viewed: 49 697 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials