Are you using the Bootstrap 3 form styles with Yii 2 Active Forms? Have you faced problems in displaying complex layouts which needs you to display multiple inline form fields in a single row, within bootstrap horizontal forms. Then read on.
Are you using the Bootstrap 3 form styles with Yii 2 Active Forms? Have you faced problems in displaying complex layouts which needs you to display multiple inline form fields in a single row, within bootstrap horizontal forms. Then read on.
This wiki will explain how you can use the Field range extension with multiple Bootstrap form layouts (vertical or horizontal). You maybe aware, that the yii2-field-range extension enables you to easily setup ActiveField range fields with Bootstrap styling. You basically can setup two attributes joined together like a single field with combined validation error block.
En ciertas ocasiones tenemos que lidiar con el tema de colocar una lista de checkboxes para hacer una seleccion especifica como es el caso de los dias de la semana para un calendario, para esta labor tenemos el comando CHtml::checkBoxList(), revisando un poco el funcionamiento de este temos los siguientes parametros: