OpenGraph and Twitter Cards are two metadata sets that allow to describe web pages and make it more understandable for Facebook and Twitter respectively.
OpenGraph and Twitter Cards are two metadata sets that allow to describe web pages and make it more understandable for Facebook and Twitter respectively.
Facebook Deauthorize callback is used to getting notification to the app owner when a user uninstall our app from their fan page or profile.
Facebook iframe app’s session is losing in Internet Explorer when doing a second redirection inside the facebook iframe app.The main reason is ,by default IE wont allow cookies in its priavacy settings If cookies not available means session is also not available for our Facebook iframe app in IE.
This article is helpful only if you have the following situation:
A web app which uses facebook login to login its users and if a user is logged out from his/her facebook account through another browser tab, then your app dont know that he is logged out out or not from his facebook account and he/she will remain as logged in your web application.Its ok if you have no problem wi...
This widget will show a Facebook "like" button and "comments" box together with "tweet" button and "google plusone" button on your page.