This is another way to view images in your application and I like this way because it's simple and I think it's better performance than other.
This is another way to view images in your application and I like this way because it's simple and I think it's better performance than other.
Usually when we use AutoComplete in a project, We need to show "title" or "name" in the list, while when the form is posted, we need some sort of integer ID referring to the selected value. Out of the Box, CJuiAutoComplete widget doesn't provides different display text and post values.
By default, the decimal separator in php (also in mysql) is a dot (.). So when we work with floats in Yii (in calculations, validation, sql statements etc.), the decimal separator has to be a dot. If we want to use for example a comma (,) as the decimal separator, that is if we want to display numbers and enable users to enter numbers with a comma before the decimals, we have to...
This is a tutorial for how to auto set model values without any code.
This is a tutorial for how to add input text-Field, check-box, buttons in CGridView.
To start with you need to download the latest stable release of CKeditor. Extract the downloaded file and place the ckeditor/ folder in your applications webroot directory. (beside "protected" and "css" and other directories)
This is a tutorial to work with radioButtonList which will handle enum datatype. Form design and validation both are detailed here.
This wiki describes a more complex workflow using the XUpload widget
For those who feel, the Controller->accessRules() or RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is too complicated or doesn't want the username(s) to be hard-coded in accessRules(), here is a very simple, easy-to-implement solution.
This tutorial assumes some basic knowledge of Yii and a functional development environment.
If you need simple Role based access control without the long RBAC process then this article is just for you. Lets jump to the point.
Let's see what exactly are the events in Yii!
$this->render('index', array(
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
Many desktop programmers are used to having dynamic forms, where clicking on a record in a parent sub-form, updates another sub-form with the child records. While having many levels of nested sub-forms in a single view might not be such a good idea for a web application, I thought doing it one level deep might be interesting and useful. But, instead of sub-forms I used CGridViews.
pagoda box is very useful tool for a programmer to test their php app online so its very useful one. For deploying code pagodabox use git command
For each column of the CGridView, we can specify name
, value
, htmlOptions
, cssClassExpression
etc. In the declarations of the attributes value
and cssClassExpression
we can use the "special" variable $data
, for example like this: 'value'=>'$data->author->username',
Now we might want to use $data
in the declaration of the `...
The most difficult thing in a big project, is to manage conflicts with files modified by others users. Git can do this work for us.
I've found useful to have a step by step reference guide to work with Git with most used commands, feel free to update it with useful information you may find interesting too.
A few days ago, i worked for CGridView exporting functional for my client. He asked me to create a simple exporting to a CSV file a CGridView search results.
I was wondering how to set-up the application parameters in the back-end to use them all around the application without the need of using the database and I came up with this solution, I hope it helps somebody else.