** I actually made this into an extension for easier use. You can view the extension: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/rackspaceconnect/
** I actually made this into an extension for easier use. You can view the extension: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/rackspaceconnect/
will generate twitter bootstrap styled breadcrumb code:
After Installing Yii Users and Rights to Newly Created Yii app we have to assign dynamic roles to a user at the time of user creation .
I discovered Twitter Bootstrap almost two years ago. After trying it out for a while I fell in love with it. It didn't take long before I realized that it would be great to write an extension that allowed developers to start using Bootstrap in their Yii projects. One night I sat down and started writing what later became my now popular [bootstrap extension](http://ww...
I recently created a project called Yii-App on GitHub to kickstart my development of smaller Yii applications. The main goal of the project is to provide a ready-to-use application template that includes my bootstrap extension and many other useful extensions. After reading this article you will be able to use...
These newsletters have always been hard to create as regular web HTML is not properly read by web email interfaces and email clients. I thought that the simplest solution would be to use a web page that would serve as a web version of the newsletter and turn it somehow into newsletter HTML.
I (www.jamesbarnsley.com) found that when using the Yii Bootstrap tabs component you will sometimes want to direct the user to a specific tab and not necessarily the first tab. Yii Bootstrap already provides the "active" variable so you can define whether the tab is the active tab or not in PHP. I generally find though that a PHP solution to...
Create param.php file in protected/config
Yii::app()->params['TEXT_ACTIVE'] = 'Active'; //1 for active
View file
V. The Order model would start with:
class Order extends CActiveRecord
const STATUS_PAID = 4;
public $statuses = array(
self::STATUS_INITIATED => 'Initiated',
self::STATUS_CANCELED => 'Canceled',
self::STATUS_EXPIRED => 'Expired',
self::STATUS_PAID => 'Paid',
// more cod...
We all love the convenient gadget, namely jQuery UI Datepicker as an input element for date. Yii supports it as CJuiDatePicker. Let's see how to use it.
I www.jamesbarnsley.com was tasked to find a way to do recursive deletion in Yii. As I asked other developers and looked around the internet the usual answers all came up, use a plugin or use cascade delete at the DB level, but I did not want to do either of these.
I spend a bit of time looking for the this piece of code while building time feature on a site this tutorial also helped Local time zones and locales
There are several ways to speedup slow unit tests which interact with database:
A big problem I've hit with the Yii-Bootstrap extension is that all AJAX requests are initializing Bootstrap because of preload. This is a huge waste of resources, especially when using AJAX-based file uploaders that split the file into chunks. Large file uploads using that method could be initializing bootstrap hundreds of times.
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
Hey guys, I'm hoping other people will find this helpful. Today I went through the process of adding CKEditor to one of my projects, and then integrating KCFinder as the image uploader. It will be used in a CActiveForm, without the use of any crazy weird widgets. All paths are relative, using Yii functions, so this will work no matter where you install. Here it is:
My CMS supports multiple sites using one code base therefore the db connection can only be configured by detecting the site's domain.