Missed of autocomplete in bash console commands yii make me sad.
Missed of autocomplete in bash console commands yii make me sad.
My article Display the full record in a CJuiDialog uses ajax to view a record in dialog on clicking the 'view-icon'.
We will use Symfony 2 components for writing tests for Yii project, it's gonna be fun :).
Having said all of that, I want to add that the purpose of this article is not to convince anyone to write tests or design following TDD patterns. I'm not going to change the world to what I think is good. It's just about showing how to use some tools together with Yii Framework.
There are good reasons to use Google's Content Delivery Network (CDN) to serve jQuery and jQuery UI on your site:
Put attention of the question answer form
As you know, events are used by:
En ciertas ocasiones tenemos que lidiar con el tema de colocar una lista de checkboxes para hacer una seleccion especifica como es el caso de los dias de la semana para un calendario, para esta labor tenemos el comando CHtml::checkBoxList(), revisando un poco el funcionamiento de este temos los siguientes parametros:
It is actually mentioned in the documentation
The popular [CListView] and [CGridView] widgets each take a data provider and iterate over each data object produced, calling the user's code to render each row one at a time, and most are familiar with the use of the $data
variable to represent the current model object or array.
In this How-To I'll show you:
Hi. This is first article with my Yii v1 tutorial. I had to split it into 2 articles as there's limited length of texts on Wiki. So once you understand basics, you can read the 2nd article here: Yii for beginners 2.
If we take a look at the blog demo we have 3 major parts of our view rendering. They are:
I'm developing a web project for a company using Yii framework. We are using a git vcs in our development process. We like to use Yii extensions. But only if they are good.
This page is created to supply short directions and general tips for managing a Yii application in Codelobster PHP Edition.
I wanted to keep all the I18N related translations in separate files, so that I would not need to modify the view files or the model files every time I need to update or fix the translations of application's source language.
If you coming to Yii with experience with Zend Framework for example, most likely you get used to