Wiki articles

Showing 761-780 of 823 items.

i18n for your model in just 1 line

Created 14 years ago by mintao, updated 13 years ago by Orteko.

A simple trick to get the localized version of a model field is to add this little method to your models.

12 0
Viewed: 19 698 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: i18n

How to setup RBAC with a php file

Created 14 years ago by bettor, updated 12 years ago by Stageline.

In this cookbook I will attempt to explain how to use the lightweight version of Role-Based Access Control using a php file. This version does not use database but a php file and is controlled by CPhpAuthManager class.

24 4
Viewed: 113 568 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Performance - A Guide For Best Practice

Created 14 years ago by Y!!, updated 13 years ago by ajsharma.

In this guide I will explain best practise regarding performance in MySQL, PHP and of course our loved Yii Framework. Since this is a complex topic, I will start with some basics and then expand this guide from time to time. Since this wiki can become big, you may click on View history - there you can see what changes have been made, so you don't miss anything.

9 5
Viewed: 27 662 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Organize directories for applications with front-end and back-end using WebApplicationEnd behavior

Created 14 years ago by andy_s, updated 12 years ago by kiran sharma.

Previously there was described a way to build an application with front-end and back-end. I would like to continue this theme and suggest another way to organize directories using WebApplicationEnd behavior.

26 0
Viewed: 139 328 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to use ldap in UserIdentity for authentication

Created 14 years ago by BeerSerc, updated 10 years ago by Navarr.

Yii does not have an LDAP class itself, but its very easy to implement LDAP in the stock UserIdentity class.

11 0
Viewed: 96 055 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Creating a database-driven hierarchical Structure combined with CMenu and superfish

Created 14 years ago by thyseus, updated 12 years ago by thyseus.

Note: Please also take a look at the newer EMenu extension. This works even better that the deprecated CDropDownMenu!

15 0
Viewed: 63 787 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: menu

Add information to Yii::app()->user by extending CWebUser

Created 14 years ago by atrandafir, updated 12 years ago by Yang He.

This little tutorial explains a way how you can retrieve more parameters from Yii::app()->user by adding a component that extends CWebUser and retrieves the user information from database table named User.

27 0
Viewed: 152 558 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Using the configuration file, explain what can be configured.

Created 14 years ago by atrandafir, updated 12 years ago by Yang He.

The purpose of this post is to let anyone quickly find how to accomplish a configuration task, and list here all the posibilities of the config.php file and also link to pages that explain how is each thing implemented.

17 0
Viewed: 91 867 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

SQL Logging and Profiling in FireBug (Yii 1.1)

Created 14 years ago by mindplay, updated 13 years ago by qiang.

During development, it's often very handy to have SQL logging and profiling.

6 0
Viewed: 37 319 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: Logging

Reference: Model rules validation

Created 14 years ago by krillzip, updated 10 years ago by Rodrigo.

This is a reference to be used for Model rule validation and is compiled from the Yii documentation and code. The purpose is to have all the information gathered in one place instead of scattered. This reference is not an intro. See The Definitive Guide to Yii, Declaring Validation Rules for a tutorial.

99 0
Viewed: 889 458 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

I18n subdomains and url-rules

Created 14 years ago by Y!!, updated 13 years ago by atrandafir.

This guide is for more or less advanced users. If you just started with Yii or didn't worked with any web-framework before, you may should come back later :-)

7 0
Viewed: 46 052 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: i18n, URL

Simplified meta tags

Created 14 years ago by Y!!, updated 14 years ago by Y!!.

If we want to set meta tags on a per page (controller-action) basis, we may use the clientScript application component.

13 0
Viewed: 56 502 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Using search engine and user friendly URLs

Created 14 years ago by qiang, updated 12 years ago by Yang He.

The Definitive Guide introduces the fundamentals of managing URLs in a Yii application. In this tutorial, we introduce a practical technique that can quickly turn your application into using search-engine-friendly URLs.

19 0
Viewed: 103 871 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: SEO, URL

Encapsulate db and module configurations

Created 14 years ago by ricardograna, updated 12 years ago by Yang He.

This method was inspirated on the excellent text about different environments available at

7 0
Viewed: 20 821 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: module

Beginner / Intro Tutorials (please add to / update this list)

Created 14 years ago by Ivo Roper, updated 12 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg.

This is a central location to collect links to "Getting Started" documentation beyond the blog demo and Creating First Yii Application. Please help the community by adding general, introductory links and descriptions to this page.

4 0
Viewed: 49 541 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Update content in AJAX with renderPartial

Created 14 years ago by Burzum, updated 12 years ago by hairylunch.

The easiest way to update content in AJAX is to use the renderPartial method.

43 0
Viewed: 359 457 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: AJAX

By Example: CHtml

Created 14 years ago by jonah, updated 8 years ago by glicious.

"By Example" cookbook pages will provide coding examples for many of the commonly used classes within Yii. We will try to provide as many usage examples as possible for keep these pages as helpful as possible.

79 0
Viewed: 992 618 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to use default layout for error pages instead of errorXXX views

Created 14 years ago by idle sign, updated 12 years ago by Yang He.

The issue is covered in "The Definite Guide to Yii" (Error Handling - Handling Errors Using an Action).

4 0
Viewed: 43 518 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to add ajax-loading indicators

Created 15 years ago by schmunk, updated 12 years ago by Yang He.

With yii you're able to create ajax requests and updates easily. But most times you always want to show a loading indicatior to your user.

23 0
Viewed: 76 777 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: AJAX

CSS, JS and image URL shortcut methods

Created 15 years ago by jonah, updated 12 years ago by jonah.

Below I have created an Html helper with methods to help me locate directories of my assets dynamically. Such assets may include CSS, JavaScript and images.

2 1
Viewed: 37 416 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: URL