Wiki articles

Showing 601-620 of 823 items.

Using cache in CActiveDataProvider

Created 13 years ago by Stamm, updated 13 years ago by Stamm.

First param in CActiveDataProvider could be a string with model name or instance of class. So, you may use CActiveRecord::cache() for cache, but you need set third param to 2, because you should cache 2 queries: counting and get data.

17 0
Viewed: 28 177 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Using filters with CGridView and CArrayDataProvider

Created 13 years ago by marcovtwout, updated 10 years ago by yugene.

Using filters on CGridView with CActiveDataProvider is easy, but with CArrayDataProvider it is a bit tricky.

19 0
Viewed: 93 667 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Avoiding duplicate script download when using CActiveForm on Ajax calls

Created 13 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 13 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

The only thing required is simple, we just need to create a view that will be partially rendered by a call to a controller (using renderPartial) and make sure that we process output -setting to true the parameter on the function. Everything will work as expected but...

11 1
Viewed: 27 005 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Customizing Yii's formatting rules (extending CFormatter)

Created 13 years ago by Haensel, updated 13 years ago by Haensel.

CFormatter is one of Yii's core components and used to format values displayed in widgets like CGridView or CDetailView. All classic formats like numbers, text, urls or datetime are supported but you may have to use a formatting rule that isn't built in. Let's say we want to display arrays of strings (like tags associated with a product model)...

12 0
Viewed: 23 146 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Filter / Search with CListView

Created 13 years ago by JohnPollard, updated 11 years ago by JohnPollard.

This is what I did. Its the EASIEST solution that I know of. I just reused the advanced search done in CGridView.

22 0
Viewed: 55 742 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Display a nice exception message on ajax requests

Created 13 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin, updated 13 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

in Yii versions previous to 1.1.9 exceptions was handled differently during ajax request and displayed by CApplication::displayException(). This way the exception message displayed on ajax requests could not be customized.
The message for the CGridView delete request with YII_DEBUG set to true l...

12 0
Viewed: 49 546 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Guidelines for good schema design

Created 13 years ago by Steve Friedl, updated 6 years ago by softark.

Virtually all Yii applications are built on top of a database, and though Yii is very flexible in how it addresses your DB, some design choices make things more convenient than others.

124 0
Viewed: 123 112 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Run Yiic directly from your app without a shell

Created 13 years ago by jacmoe, updated 13 years ago by jacmoe.

Whatever reason, it turns out to be easy enough to add that feature to your application. :)

13 0
Viewed: 49 225 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

an easy way to required multi columns(At least one cannot be blank)

Created 13 years ago by 1065227709, updated 13 years ago by 1065227709.

in model add the following code:

3 0
Viewed: 11 764 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: rules

Using a CDbDataReader (sql query result) in a zii widget (such as CGridView or CListView)

Created 13 years ago by Revelis Luc Bonnin, updated 13 years ago by Revelis Luc Bonnin.

If in your application you have to proceed to a complex SQL query that is not associated to a model, you will use CDbDataReader like it is described in the Yii documentation. An example could be

8 1
Viewed: 59 541 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Yii CDBHttpSession数据库存储session性能优化实战

Created 13 years ago by Darwin Wen, updated 13 years ago by Darwin Wen.

上一篇 关于 Yii CHttpSession性能优化篇之源码流程分析 有详细分析CHttpSession执行流程,在了解CHttpSession的详细执行流程之后,我们就可以非常轻松的扩展Yii Session,来优化和符合自己的业务流程。

1 1
1 follower
Viewed: 14 321 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

关于Yii CHttpSession性能优化篇之源码流程分析

Created 13 years ago by Darwin Wen, updated 12 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.


0 1
Viewed: 17 506 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

三步使用cronjobs自动化去执行Yii 控制台任务

Created 13 years ago by Darwin Wen, updated 13 years ago by Darwin Wen.

这篇文章将介绍使用Linux cronjobs去自动化执行Yii Console Application(控制台)任务,像每天晚上执行缓存清理,临时文件清理,发送邮件,网站备份等等,重复的工作都交给服务器后台去完成,Yii本身已经提供了强大的支持,我们所做的工作就很少,当使用yiic webapp 自动生成工程结构时,强大的Yii已经全部帮我们生成好,仅仅只需三步。

0 4
Viewed: 28 244 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Our WebApp that will run without downtime during update/upgrade

Created 13 years ago by Pinoy Coderz, updated 12 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

How many of us wonder how we can upgrade the website without hurting the operation of our WebApp?

8 2
Viewed: 14 655 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: tutorial

How to ensure unicity to url

Created 13 years ago by zaccaria, updated 12 years ago by marcovtwout.

Many time for SEO porpouses is important that each page will have a unique address.

13 0
Viewed: 24 121 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: SEO, unique, URL

How to use single form to collect data for two or more models (CActiveForm and Ajax Validation edition)

Created 13 years ago by RusAlex, updated 12 years ago by Darwin Wen.

With Yii you can use one CActiveForm for collecting data for two or more models with ajax validation and client validation.

16 0
Viewed: 73 143 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Custom Autocomplete Display and Value Submission

Created 13 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 12 years ago by SebK.

I was looking around wiki and found that was no approach as the one I did so I guessed this is worth to write.

12 0
Viewed: 61 338 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Update/delete model with CJuiDialog (works in CGridView)

Created 13 years ago by ifdattic, updated 13 years ago by ifdattic.

This tutorial will show you how to create Ajax dialog which allows to create new model, update or delete existing model. It works with simple links, CGridView button column links, adds a minimal amount of code and degrades gracefully with JavaScript turned off.

15 0
Viewed: 77 561 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

adding class and links to Ctreeview node

Created 13 years ago by bingjie2680, updated 13 years ago by bingjie2680.

This article will show you how to add links and class to each node in ctreeview. so you can attach events in js by obtaining handler on anchor or class.

4 0
Viewed: 19 806 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Url: hide index.php

Created 13 years ago by Hermans, updated 13 years ago by Hermans.

Maybe it looks simple, but some time ago I need some time to find a solution of this case. I finally got it, and I want to share that I also experienced such cases. So that it can make reference.

19 0
Viewed: 320 789 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos